A Modern Belle Chapter 3

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     Before we got to art class, I filled Markus in on our teacher, Mrs. Peters. "She's really nice, if you don't get on her bad side," I told him. He raised his eyebrows in question. "Like, don't talk out of turn, stuff like that," I said. "Generally, if you have good behavior she's really nice."

"Oh," Markus replied. We walked in silence the rest of the way to art. I glanced at him a time or two. Surprisingly, despite his shortness and unusual hair color, he was very cute.  Sure he had autisum and dyslexia, but he talked like a normal person and his disabilities made him cuter. "Oh, here's our class," I said and pulled the door open for him. "Thanks, Callista," he said. I nodded and followed him in. "Hello, class." I pulled out a chair beside me for Markus. "Today, we will be doing portraits of someone else in the class." How coincidental. After Mrs. Peters finished instructing on the assignment, we all paired up. Naturally, I paired up with Markus. As soon as we had all our supplies, we got started. "I'll draw you first," I said, picking up a pencil. I let my eyes wander around his face, and my hand slowly positioned the pencil on the paper. I began to sketch a light outline of Markus' face. He looked strong; his jaw bones were sharp but he also looked very sweet. I looked at the outline and went over it several more times. Then, I made an outline of his hair. He had long-ish bangs that nearly covered his left eye. They were shaggy and uneven, yet they  had a sort of charm to them. Every now and then he would move his head to the left to sweep them out of his eyes. Then, I started to draw his eyes. His eyes were my favorite thing about his face. They were an intense green, and every time he looked at me, it felt like he was seeing through me like a glass vase. I made sure to make the edges of his eyes perfect, even the little line that stretched out from the outer corner of his eye a little bit when he was smiling. I drew his nose, and then his mouth. I grabbed a box of colored pencils and sat back down. I started with his eyes. I made a circle inside of his eyes for the pupil, and outside the pupil, I made two parentheses like lines for his iris. Inside his pupil, I made a tiny dot where the light was reflecting that I had to leave white. I pulled out a forest green colored pencil and colored in his iris lightly. I leaned in so I could look at the detail in his eyes better. I felt his warm breath touching my neck and I shivered. I pulled back and added specks of red and gold to his eyes. I took out a black pencil and colored in his pupil. Then, I darkened every color in his iris before moving onto his hair. I colored his hair in with a light shade of red, and then I added a thin shade of brown on top of it. I bit my lip as I looked at my picture, and then added another light coat of red. I colored his lips in dark pink, and I carefully shaded in the rest of his face. I took a brown colored pencil and added freckles across his nose and cheeks and then colored the background blue. I colored in the brown shirt, and flipped the paper over. I signed my name and then showed the picture to Markus. "Well?" I asked. "What do you think?"

"It's like... perfect," he said in awe.


"No problem. My turn to draw you," he said picking up his pencil. I smiled and looked straight at him. He quickly finished and my jaw dropped in awe. It was like looking in a mirror. "It's-it's... it's beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks," Markus said as his cheeks turned pink.

"Your welcome! It's like lookin' in a frickin' mirror!" I exclaimed. Markus blushed a darker pink just as the bell for the end of class rang.

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