[24]: Forgiveness & Soggy Waffles*

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My phone was ringing like crazy. They were all from Dave and I knew it was because of the way I stormed out. Some calls were also from Lans, which I definitely ignored.

I came to Julia's house after I stormed out and just stuffed myself with junk food and just stopped caring for one moment. I needed a time out to just, think. I've walked out twice from that house, and every time it's been because of Lans.

"Hey, at least it was good while it lasted, huh?" She said while rubbing my back. It was something she always did that I loved. The comforting gesture helped calm me down.

"I guess. But when you end it with feelings still attached, it sucks." I said while focusing my attention on the tv. Teen wolf was playing and it was the recent episode I missed out on.

Dylan O'Brien was running for his life and I really didn't want to miss anything.

"Well no one told you to catch feelings." she sassed. I forced my eyes off the tv, as much as I wanted to keep watching, I had to give Julia a cold glare.

"Thanks." I say with a forced smile.

"Anytime." she says going back to scrolling on Twitter, "Hey.... are you going in tomorrow?" She asked randomly.

"No, I just smacked my boss. I'm obviously fired." I let out a huff of annoyance. My anger just had to get the best of me, didn't it?


I woke up to the smell of coffee... Mom must not have left yet. After spending time with Julia and having a time out, I went back home and just crashed in my bed all day.

I ruffled out of my sheets and went to use the bathroom. After I was done, I brush my teeth and did my complete morning routine, minus the changing into outside clothes, considering I was staying home today.

I walked down stairs and faintly heard my mother speaking. At first I thought she was on the phone but then I heard a voice reply, and it wasn't a voice on a speaker, it was an in-person reply.

It sounded like a mans voice, a man I knew... I walked into the living room softly until someone noticed me.

My mom moved her gaze from Lans to me and smiles widely while I stand there bewildered at the scene.

"Oh good morning beautiful, Lans decided to stop by this morning. Isn't this lovely? I finally get to meet the man who persuaded you to go to college."

"Great...." I mumbled under my breathe. What a morning.

"This coffee is lovely Mrs. Monroe." Lans complemented with his sexy get annoying voice I've been stuck here, hearing to, for the last hour.

I barley spoke. My mother and Lans have been chit chatting for so long and I tried to leave so many times but I was constantly asked question by my mom. I always made sure to avoid the ones about Lans. I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of hearing me say how much of a good boss he was to me.

I gave him a few glares every time he looked at me because I mean, why would you go to a persons house— the same person who smacked you? It's like you're asking for another smack.

The only thing that kept me from smacking him again, was the red mark on his cheek from the previous one.

I almost slipped up a giggle when my mom asked what happened. Seeing him stay quiet and think of an accuse was hilarious.

"Well I have to go before I'm late for work. Will you be staying long?" She asked Lans.

"No ma'am, I'll be leaving minutes after you. Don't worry, I'll see myself out." he said politely. Honestly his kindness was giving me a headache.

My mom gave me a kiss on the forehead and was out the door. Then it was just me and Lans left... Let's see where this goes.

"Jenn...." Lans said after sometime. I looked up at the sound of my name coming out of his voice. We've been silent for a good 5 minutes and any sound was better than no sound, ".... I just wanted you to know that—"

"I'm hungry." I interrupt. I jumped up from the couch and rushed to the kitchen, not wanting to stay in the same room as him. I knew what he was going to say, I didn't wanna hear it.

What me and Lans have— well had, was better off being short.

I went to the freezer and got out my Eggo chocolate chip waffles and put two in the microwave. As I was waiting, I heard the kitchen door swing open.

I turned around and instantly felt lips connect with mine. I didn't move or kiss back, but I didn't push away. He grabbed my face and kissed me harder one last time before he let go.

"You're not a rebound... You never were and you're never gonna be. Okay?—" he said out of breath, "—I was stupid for starting any of this with you when I had a wife, but it doesn't mean I didn't want to." he said looking in my eyes, "...and I definitely don't regret it."


"Let me finish Jenn... You spoke yesterday, let me speak now."

I stayed quiet and listened...

"You start college in 2 weeks. I won't be able to see you months after that... Please don't end what we have on bad terms." he said, still was holding my face in his hands expect now he was brushing my cheek bones.

I looked into his sky blue eyes and was mesmerized like always. I nodded my head and leaned up to peck his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug.

A hug that him and I both needed.

"I'm sorry." I whisper in his neck, "I'll make up for the bruise I promise." I pleaded. My waffles were done minutes ago but I was so into Lans speech, that I didn't want to stop him.

"Maybe if you give me a waffle than I'll let it slide."

"You really want a cheap soggy waffle in exchange for the smack I gave you yesterday?"

"Well...." He said smirking, "There is one other thing...."

This story is coming to an end sadly :(

I love all the responds I get from you guys and love the feedback too, so thank you :)

Anyways, from this chapters ending you might have a clue of what might happen in the next one so....

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