[1]: I Really Need A Job*

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Chapter 1

Hearing the last bell ring, knowing it's the last bell I'll be hearing for the rest of my high school career, is probably one of the best feelings ever. Everyone jumped out of their seats and ran to the door so fast, I almost got dizzy. It was like straight out of a high school musical.

Everyone was eager to leave the class, especially since it was Mrs. May's room. She is and will always be one the most boring teacher you'll ever meet at EastHigh.

I actually feel bad for the seniors who are going to have her next year.

After finally getting past the crowd and out the classroom, I found my way to my locker who was accompanied by my best friend, Julia.

Yea we share lockers. Every year the school would try to they tell us this dumb story about how two girls who called each other bestfriends shared a locker. Of course, we all know how the story ends. One of the girls steals from the other as payback after their little friendship ended. It's a little kid story anyways, none of the seniors even paid attention during the assembly when it was mentioned.

"Hey" she announces as she grabbed her jacket out the locker. She physically just looked exhausted. "It's literally the last day. Principal is already dumb as fuck for having graduation be Monday and the last day be Wednesday. Then Mr. Peters wants to be even dumber and force us to do a review on Kahoot like we actually care about fucking chemicals!" She exclaims. All I could do was laugh and pack my stuff out my locker too.

Julia is possibly the smartest and funniest person I know, but also doesn't know how to balance out her academics. I mean, what senior do you know, willingly takes 2 AP classes, their senior year? She really ate it up when the teachers said it would look good on her transcript. She had goals of going to a good college, so in reality, I respect the hustle.

My plans after high school were a little blurry. It's not that I don't want to entirely go but I mean , it's just not financially in my plans yet. I wasn't the smartest cookie in the jar, and I can't dribble a ball or launch it across a field so scholarships weren't just handed to me.

With all the loans I would need, I didn't want to be in dept my whole life. I've heard stories of 40 year olds, still paying off their loans like if they graduated yesterday. Could never be me, okay?

So I've decided to just enjoy my summer and the rest of my life, school free. If I'm being honest, to not beat myself down, I just say there's more ways to get an education beside school. Life itself teaches you a lot, and for free ! Maybe it's not the best choice but financially right now; it my best choice. I can't be that amount of stress on my mom. Paying for 2 kids tuition ?

My mom went to school to be an RN and it's honestly been our way of living. Her being a nurse is all my brother and I have ever known. When he went off to college and I could see how proud she was, but how much a struggle it was to upkeep that part of his life, I decided from them on I couldn't be a burden to that.

Julia is my bestfriend in this entire shitty world. We've been friends since 6th grade which is honestly crazy to think about. Her beachy blonde hair was possibly my favorite feature next to her eyes, considering natural blondes aren't really known for around here. We didn't range that far in height and just our overall dynamic, she was truly like a sister to me.

"Let's get out of here, I'm starving!"

Once we got all our stuff, I made sure it was all cleared out and brought the lock with me to drop off at the office. We began walking down the hall and once we got to the office, we left the lock and bid our goodbyes to the administration.

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