[2]: You Have A Request*

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{Error in the photo above. Lans is 35}

Chapter 2

"Jenn! Julia is here." my mom hollered from kitchen. Julia had texted me 10 minutes ago saying she was on her way so I knew she'd be here any minute by now. 

As I made my way downstairs, I ran into Julia and mom having a conversation in the kitchen...

I mean, I know my mom considers Julia as one of her own but sometimes it still gets me how causal they can talk. I mean she's my mom, kinda weird how it's like second nature to us , but I love it none the less.

After patiently waiting for their conversation to be done, Julia and I both made our way to my room.

"So, any parents contact you?" She asked as she sat on my desk chair.

"Haven't checked," I sighed as I threw my body onto my bed. It's been three days since I made my account and after stalking my own profile for two days straight, I decided to give my eyes and mind a rest from the stress. If it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be.

"Let me check then," she requested as she began typing on my laptop. I gazed at my ceiling as I listened to her type my password in, then pulled my phone out to mindlessly scroll on Twitter. What? It's good passing time.

Suddenly a pillow connected to my face , matched with a squeal out of Julia's mouth, "You have a request?! I mean, I think so? That's what this means right? A parent viewed your profile" She questioned. I got up like my life depended on it, and pierced my eyes to the laptop screen.

Lans Davis, 35. 3 kids , viewed your profile
Land Davis, left a message on your board.

After dragging my mouse on a couple of icons, I figured out where my profile board was and viewed the message left,

call as soon as you get this. ***-555-3478

I stepped away from the screen and watched as Julia turned the chair to me. "Three kids? Julia I can't do that." I said in defeat.

I mean, I've never babysat in my life. It was a cute idea but let's be realistic, one kid is reasonable, three never crossed my mind. What inexperience teenager can successfully takes care of three tiny humans at the same time?

"Oh come on, you can learn. Plus look here! They're not all small children, their ages are written out right there" she said, turning back to point at the bottom of the screen.

Out of all the 3 numbers, one kid icon was accompanied by the number 17, which meant they had a kid my age. There's no way they're expecting me to take care of someone the same age as me.

"Weather it's a girl or a boy that's seventeen, I doubt you'd be taking care of them. So I'm reality you only have to worry about two kids! " she exclaimed .

"I guess..." I mean she was right. Considering I needed money and this was the quickest option I have, it didn't hurt to try. I'd give it a week, and if I wasn't feeling it, I'll respectfully resign.

"And..." She whispers, "he's actually pretty sexy for a thirty- five year old man, Look."

"Thirty five with three kids? If his wife was here, she'd agree with you" I joked back as I kept reading his profile.

"So when are you going to call the number he left?"

"After I eat this sausage egg and cheese croissant."  I sighed. I grabbed the wrapped breakfast sandwich bag off my desk and unraveled the croissant .

Hopefully this phone call goes good. I can almost taste the feeling of not having to beg and ask for $20 . I can finally make some money of my own.

I listened and dialed as she read the phone number off the screen and punched the green phone button to call the number.  After a couple of rings, a voice finally spoke,

"Mrs. Davis office, how may I help you?" a mid-aged sounding women spoke through the other line. He had other people answering his phone for him? Who was this guy?

"H-hi um can I speak to Lans Davis?" I stuttered. I didn't know I was going to be hit with so much professionalism all at once. Office? Why would he leave his work number under a babysitter post?

"And who am I speaking with?"

"Jennifer Monroe."

"Yes Jennifer, Do you have an appointment?"

I need an appointment? What type of place is this?

"No?" I turned to Julia, did I really have to make one?

"Then I'm sorry miss but-"

"Excuse me, but Lans Davis asked me to call him." I interrupted before she hung up. This woman, whoever she was, was not going to play with my money. Fuck professionalism.

"Get it Jenn!" Julia whispered to me , behind the the phone. We stayed quiet as the sound of ruffling through the other side of the line was heard.

"Um Mr. Davis, someone's on the phone for you. She goes by the name of Jennifer." we heard a faint sound voice in the background speak. Then finally, we heard a little more ruffling until a deep male voice spoke.

"Ah yes Jennifer, I've been expecting your call."

"Oh My God." Julia whisper yelled again, only this time covering her mouth. That was a manly voice.

"Uh, yes I'm calling about the babysitting site, you left a message on my profile."

"Ah, yes! Do you have some time to answer a couple of questions before I'm certain of your placement. It won't take long."

"Yea sure." I answered rather quickly. My nerves were sky rocketing at this moment , I'm pretty sure no matter what he asked, I'd have the same answer.


"Well?" Julia asked again for the millionth time.


He was discussing payments. We had finally got through the series of questions he had, in the past 15 mins. Because of Julia's interruption , I could only heard the number twenty before she interrupted.  I didn't want to sound desperate or rude if I asked him to repeat himself, so I let it pass and continued the conversation.

"Okay thank you very much, it was nice talking to you. I look forward to meeting you!" I said before hanging up.

I turned over to Julia who was biting her nails. She looked so impatient which was understandable since on my end, my replies stayed short for the most part. I didn't acknowledge her once for 20 minutes and you could just see the eagerness written all over her face.

"I got the jo-ob!" I cooed as I swayed back and forth.

She shouted in excitement and we began to jump up and down like little girls finding out they got randomly picked as partners on a project together. After finishing our mini celebration, we threw ourselves on my bed, laid on our backs , both looking up at the ceiling.

"When do you start?"

"Well he wants to meet tomorrow and introduce me  to everyone, he even mentioned how he'd send a car to pick me up!" I explained.

"Wow, fancy" she teased.

Who knew taking care of kids would be so exciting? Well the watching them part isn't exciting, it's probably the last thing I'm looking forward too. Oh god please, tell me they aren't rude kids. even worse, what if they curse up a storm like they tiny life depends on it?

Ugh, I'm so fúcking screwed.


Photo above shows his profile just in case you wanted insight on what they were seeing...

Yes, I'm that dedicated...

I hope y'all like where this is headed. If you do then don't be a ghost-reader and

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