In which a phone is used to argue

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"I understand. Hope you feel better, Hermione."

Hermione nodded awkwardly and they parted ways.

Sunday Harry called again. Hermione started to beckon Luna over to the phone, but paused when Harry asked for a private word. Hermione quickly held up her hand instead and mouthed 'wait a minute' away from the receiver. Luna nodded and sat back down to work on the scroll she had been writing on.

"What is it, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Do you know what Ginny's life goals are?"

"Erm... other than Quidditch? No, it's not something we normally include in our 'girl talk.'"

"Oh... well, do you know if she wants to do anything before she settles down?"

"You want to know if she wants to travel?" Hermione guessed, but Harry sighed frustratedly. "What are you trying to get at," Hermione finally huffed.

"You know, does she..."

"Does she what?" Hermione prompted as the silence lengthened.

"There's my girl!" it sounded like Harry's mouth was away from the phone. Hermione heard him put down the phone and Ron's irritated voice in the background. A moment later Harry was back on the phone, "speakerphone is on!"

"Hermione, tell Harry that he needs to stop with the PDA!" Ron jumped in right away.

"Ron, Harry's house is not public; therefore, it is not a 'Public Display of Affection,'" Hermione replied patiently.

"Fine, tell him that snogging my little sister is disgusting and he has to wait until she's older."

"Not that again, Ronald," Ginny cut in. "I'm twenty one! It's none of your business what we do!"

"Yeah, but just barely," Ron grumbled.

Everyone's voices were short and snippy and Hermione figured this had become a near constant argument amongst them when they met up.

"Besides, Ron," Harry joined. "You didn't seem to be bothered when you snogged Hermione. She was only eighteen then, right?"

Hermione silently groaned, Harry had encroached on the 'forbidden subject.' Ron sputtered.

"Harry!" Ginny whispered indignantly.

"Look where that got me!" Ron answered angrily. "She's on the other side of the planet now."

Hermione stayed silent as her mind rushed for an answer. It wasn't like he was the only reason she had moved, but he had been a deciding factor. Everyone asking about her and Ron had really started to grate on her already thin nerves.

"I don't think that's why Hermione moved to America, right?" Harry asked.

"Erm... of course not!" Hermione tried to laugh.

"So, she still left me!"

Hermione winced. This was also a oft repeated conversation. Hermione never came out and said that she wanted to break up since they never officially 'got together.' However, it seemed that Ron thought they had.

"Well, Hermione?" Ron pressed. "Why did you ditch me?"

"I'm not 'ditching' you."

"No, you're just being a coward! You are running from us just like you've run away from anything that has to do with the war!" Ron sounded like he was working himself up to being furious.

"Ron, go cool off in the kitchen!" Ginny had decided to interrupt their 'lover's spat.' There was a small scuffle and then Ginny continued, falsely cheery, "he's gone!"

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