Chapter 7: The Savior

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Harry has been acting weird for the past few days. He doesn't leave my side. He won't let me leave the house for anything other then school.

James isn't much of a threat to him anymore. Harry's attention is either on me or Danny. The awkward thing is, he doesn't talk to me either. Like he's avoiding something.

Today me and Harry were hanging around my house, like we do everyday. His head on my lap as I play with his hair. He suddenly gets up. "Where are you going?"

"Ill be back. Stay here. Don't leave."

"You can't keep me locked up in my own house." I say, crossing my arms. "Besides, its late."

"You will stay here and do as I say. Understand?"

I roll my eyes and take my seat on the couch. He kisses the top of my head. "Thank you."

*Harry's POV*

I step out of Samantha's house and pull out my phone to call Daria.


"Meet me at the tracks."

I hang up. I try to get there as fast as I can. When I get there, I see Daria sitting on the tracks. She is picking the pedals off of a flower.

I walk over and Daria turns around. I smile and she returns it. I sit next to her and sigh. She places her hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay hun?"

"I need more time."

She sighs. I know I have to face father again, but asking for more time is like asking to die.

All of a sudden, Akio emerdges from the woods.

We ask him for help. He agrees and we follow him back to the gates. As we assend into hell, I can feel the nerves building, the tension rising. We reach the big wooden doors. Akio looks back and I nod. He takes a deep breath and pushes open the door. Daria and I wait patiently outside, but we suddenly become startled by an un-human like growl.


"He's only asking for more time!"

"More time will kill him!"

By now, Daria is cowering in my arms. Akio and I are the only family she has. She may be an angel of darkness, but she's the closest thing to good down here. She has restricted herself to her room and the woods. She hates the fact she's part of the dark, unable to embrace the light.

The sound of glass breaking pulls me from my mind.

Akio emerdges from the room. He is bleeding above his left eye, some parts of his shirt are torn. Daria runs to him and he holds her close. Father steps out of the room and looks to me. With a flick of his head, I follow him into the office.

"I will give you two months,"

I fall to my knees. "Thank you father."

"But," He walks over to me and bends down to my level. He points his finger in my face. "If you die, its not my fault. Dismissed."

I stand up and hurry out the door. Daria seems releaved to see me unharmed. We all go back to room 23. Daria lays down on the couch and Akio sits down with her. He plays with her hair until she falls asleep. Before I have a chance to leave them alone, Akio stops me.

"Harry, I want you to protect that girl with your life. You didn't have a chance. She does. Be her chance Harry, save her life." he stands up and points a finger at my chest, right where my heart should be. "Find the light and don't stop till you surrender."

He gives me a pat on the back and sends me out. Right before I shut the door, he calls to me, "You are the key to free us all."

As I hike back to Samantha's house, I think about the last thing he said to me. "You are the key to free us all." What could it possibly mean? Ive grown up knowing that we kill for imortality. If we stop, we waste away to nothing. Daria hasn't killed for months and she isn't wasting away. Everything just isn't adding up.

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