Manors and Maids

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"There it is.." Opal said quietly, glancing around for any unwanted company. The three of us had made it up the path, and our destination was now in plain sight. No more joking around. I looked Opal and then Faith, nodding at them. "Should we review our plan once more?" Opal asked, looking at Faith and I. It was a smart idea, so we stepped off the path a bit to talk. If we were going to stand here and chat, getting out of sight would be best. Three girls conversing in front of a stranger's mansion isn't exactly normal.

"So, we keep the maid act going until we find an opening, right?" Opal asked. Faith nodded before answering verbally. "Yeah, but we need to report back to each other at night or some other time where we won't be working. We can discuss openings that we have discovered and the best way to...kill him." I could see both Opal and Faith were uneasy about having to assassinate the man. After several seconds of thought, I offered to do it. "I'll kill him." Faith and Opal were a bit surprised by how calm I was with offering to do something like that. Before they could say anything, I continued. "Although, I will not kill unless I have solid proof that he has completed the actions that were on the request flier. I won't kill without reason, or for anyone's pleasure." Faith and Opal nodded, agreeing with my statement. "So, we find proof, an opening, and then report back to each other?" Opal asked, making sure she understood every part of the plan. "Yeah. Now, should we get going?" Faith asked. Instead of answering verbally, Opal and I made our way back onto the stone path along with Faith.

"Who are you? A man asked. He was tall, light skinned, and was wearing a butler uniform. He had layered dark purple hair. The man's eyes were golden, and one was covered by his bangs. He seemed to be very polite. "Hello there." Opal stated with a small bow. "We're here to take on positions as maids." The man looked at us, his gaze going from Faith, to Opal, and then to myself. After a moment of silence, he smiled politely. "It's not up to me to choose who works here, but please, join me inside." The three of us nodded, agreeing to follow the butler into the mansion. As we walked through the yard, I examined my surroundings. There were many plants, more bushes than trees. There was a garden throughout the whole front yard. A stone fountain in the middle of it all. I followed the butler up the small steps and stopped in front of large double doors. I glanced at Opal and Faith, seeing that they were still behind me and examining the area as well. The butler opened the door, holding it with one arm. With the other he gestured at us to come inside. I entered the mansion, looking at the interior of the foyer. It was astonishing. The carpet was spotless, the walls were clean, and paintings placed throughout the room. There was a double staircase in the center of the room. If the foyer itself looked this nice, I couldn't imagine how luxurious the other floors would be. "Excuse me, I believe I forgot to tell you three ladies my name. I am Thorn." He bowed after closing the front door. "Please,  follow me." He headed towards the staircase. I glanced at Opal and Faith before following Thorn. The three of us walked up the staircase behind him. It lead to an area that I would assume to be the living room. The four of us went through a couple of other rooms and halls before stopping in front of a door. Thorn knocked before opening and entering. He had Faith, Opal, and I wait out in the hall for a second. "This must be the master's study.." I whispered loud enough for Faith and Opal to hear. The door opened again and now Thorn invited us in. Faith and Opal walked in first, and I followed behind. There was a grown man at a desk, his arms folded as he watched the three of us enter. "Please, take a seat.." The man said, gesturing to the multiple chairs laid out in the room. The three of us took a seat. Thorn was standing by the desk. "So, you three would like to be employed here as maids?" He asked. I had just noticed this name tag on the desk. According to the name tag, the man's name was Alexander. I had zoned out for a bit, and suddenly I was being asked to sign a contract.  I saw that Faith and Opal had already signed. Figuring that they already read it, I signed as well.

"Allow me to lead you to your rooms." Thorn said. He exited the room and I followed. Opal and Faith walked beside me as Thorn led us through the large manor. "Here you are. These three rooms are empty. They are all the same, so there is no need to spend too much time deciding which one you want." Thorn then departed, bowing before he left us. I gestured Faith and Opal into one of the rooms, closing the door behind us. "Let's talk about what we know and have seen so far." I said, crossing my arms as I leaned against the deep blue wall of the room. "Well, this place seems pretty big. Only someone really really rich would be able to afford some place like this, and drug smuggling is a well paying job." Opal said, sitting on the full sized bed. Faith and I nodded, agreeing with her statement. Which then led me to bring up something. "Big mansion means big money, and both of those mean many servants. I sensed twenty. The thing is, some of them have powers. I saw one using telekinesis to clean."

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