Girls night

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A few weeks have passed since my friends and I hung out at the lake for most of the night. My classes were going well, and I haven't taken any requests since the one where I had to take back a crown from a demonic dragon. It's only October, so there is still plenty of time to go on adventures this year.

My phone vibrated a few times on the table next to my bed. I was in the middle of watching Howl's Moving Castle. I have always loved this movie so much. After pausing the movie, I made my way over to where I leave my cell phone to charge. I picked it up, unlocking it as I made my way back to the small, dark red couch that I had in my dorm. Instead of pressing the play button on the remote to continue watching the movie, I went to answer the texts I had got. As I worked my aPhone with my right hand, I was pulling my blanket over me with the other.

The texts I got were from Opal. I opened them and began reading. "Hey Falen! Faith, you, Iris, and I should hang out now that school is over for today and it's a Friday. It can be girls night! Any ideas?"

I quickly ran through my schedule in my head. I had nothing planned, so I went ahead and agreed. "Sure. Sound fun. How about you all come over to my dorm and spend the night?" After completing my reply, I sent it. Not even a minute passed before Opal texted me back.

"Great. I'll let Faith and Iris know. See you soon."
I looked at the time on my phone after reading her message. It was 4:00 pm. I responded to Opal before turning my attention back to the movie. I clicked the play button on the remote, and continues watching the movie. I didn't need to worry about snacks or how clean my dorm was, so all I could do was wait for them.

"Falen. Open up." I could hear Opal's voice. She was waiting outside of my door. I could sense Faith and Iris as well. I got off of the couch and unlocked the door to my dorm, letting them in. "Welcome." I said, turning away and flopping onto the couch. My three friends walked in. "Why do you always keep your door locked?." Opal asked, taking a seat on the couch next to me. "I don't need random people walking in here." I answered, laughing a bit before I continued to speak. "I have food, so help yourself. How have you all been? Anything new?"

"Shizuo took me shopping and out for lunch." Faith said, smiling. She had just sat on the couch next Opal, holding a bottle of water she got from my mini fridge. "Ohh did he?" Iris said, smirking. "Is that all he did? Shizuo mentioned something about you sleeping in his dorm awhile back." She added, the smirk still present. Opal and I laughed a bit, looking at Faith with the same expression as Iris. Faith's face was as red as a tomato. "No no! It was nothing like that!!" She exclaimed. "Don't interrogate me. Shouldn't we be asking Opal why Riku and her were holding hands?"

"What? When?" Opal said, surprised that Faith brought up the topic. Faith, Iris, and I laughed a bit, looking at her. "I saw it too, so no need to act clueless." I said, my attention still locked on Opal. Iris spoke up next, excited about what she heard. "You and Riku were holding hands? Tell us the details!" Opal raised her hands in front of her, speaking. "Yeah yeah...I will, but it's really not a big deal."

"What do you mean it's not a big deal? Of course it is!" Faith said. Iris nodded, agreeing with Faith's input. The situation was amusing. Faith and Iris bombarding Opal with questions, but not letting her answer them due to asking the next question. "Okay, let's let her answer each question." I chuckles a bit, gesturing at Opal.

"Well...." Opal started with, thinking about how to put it. Iris, Faith, and I waited for her to continue. "Riku and I are dating." As soon as those words escaped her lips Faith and Iris were filled with excitement. I stood up, a smirk on my face as I walked to the kitchen. I stopped, turning a bit to look at Opal. "Just remember to use protection." I could only catch a glimpse of Opal's expression. She was embarrassed. I could hear Iris and Faith giggling at my statement, teasing Opal about it too. After getting something to drink, I returned to the main room of my dorm where my friends were. As I sat down with my strawberry smoothie, Opal, Iris, and Faith all turned to look at me. They stared at me, and I stared right back. I lowered the smoothie after a few seconds, addressing the situation. "What?" My expression was neutral, yet I was still curious as to why all eyes were on me. I almost immediately got an answer. " and Mizu." Opal smirked, continuing to speak. "I heard how he took care of you after that incident with Tyr." Iris, Faith, and Opal all had the same expression. I was now the one who was being interrogated.

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