Chapter 49

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I hated hospital rooms: especially the immaculately clean ones with their white tiles, pungent smells and rude staff. I was back in NESCOM, in the same room where I had spent almost four weeks of my life, trying to recover from the after-effects of the accident in my office. This was the same room that I had occupied previously and I was starting to hate it. I watched the nurse as she checked my vitals and wrote them down on the clipboard she carried. Last time I was admitted here, I didn't have a choice but this time I had a choice, I was here by choice.

I looked at the other side of the bed, at my husband of three weeks. His brows were furrowed in a frown and I could easily read his eyes. He was scared for him. He was clutching his hands together, twisting and turning his fingers. I moved my hand over his and unwound his fingers.

"You are going to break them." I repeated his dialogue from a while back. He gave me a small smile and clutched my hand, his fingers filling mine. I smiled at him, letting my strength flow in him. It was true that Anis was more scared than I was. I had stayed strong throughout the tests I was forced to go through prior to this surgery but Anis had broken down numerous times.

"Don't worry, I'll be alright, Anis. Have faith in Allah." I said calmly. He strengthened his hold on me.

"I have faith in Him." His voice was low.

"Just close your eyes and think about the day when you saw me for the first time in Gloria. I will look like that again in just a few hours. Just have patience and faith in Him." I said, looking at him. I didn't want him worrying for the hours long surgery that was about to happen in twenty minutes.

We had discussed my case in detail with Asad and his team when they had flown here from Toronto. They were positive that there was an eighty percent chance that I would help perfectly well. After the tests results, they believed that it may take time but I'll be alright at all costs. I looked towards the door when it opened and saw Sadaf walk in, holding my favorite flowers, red roses. She placed them in the vase on my bed stand and smiled.

"I knew that you hated the smell of the hospitals. So, I hope they will help you overcome this stink." She grinned and then turned towards Anis, who was sitting there holding my hand. She smiled at that and sat next to me on the bed.

"Come on, bro-in-law, she's not going to her slaughter. Cheer up. I'm positive that our Alisha will be up and about in no time at all. She's a fighter." Sadaf tried to cheer him up.

"I know but till when? For how long will she fight?"

"Anis, it's only a grafting surgery, nothing big. Please relax." I said, pleading at him with my eyes. He nodded and his stance relaxed for a bit. I relaxed too.

"Where is Shahmir?" I asked, looking around.

"He's coming upstairs." Sadaf provided.

"I'll go look for him." Anis said and left the room, leaving us alone. I was worried about Anis.

"He'll be alright, Alisha. He's just scared for you." Sadaf said.

"I know." I said and then turned towards her. "So, you wanted to tell me something? I read your text."

Sadaf smiled at me and then looked here and there.

"Yeah! But I don't think this is the right time, Alisha. You are about to go for your surgery." She said. I shook my head at her.

"Nothing is going to happen, Sadaf. Come on tell me." I prodded her. She shook her head.

"Sadaf, I will kill you with bare hands if you don't tell me right now." I threatened her. She laughed at me empty threat and took my hand in hers.

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