Chapter 5

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1 A.M. Nescom Burn Center


We rushed through the emergency ward towards the reception of the hospital. The lobby was clearly deserted this time of the night. There were no patients lurking around, only some medical reps or interns who were taking a break. There was only one nurse behind the nurse station and the waiting area was quite deserted.

"There was an accident and a girl was brought in a little while back." My husband, Humayun, said. He took out his wallet and showed the nurse Aliza's picture. The nurse nodded in recognition and stepped out from behind the station.

"This way." She said and walked towards the south end of the corridor. We followed her and came outside the Burn Intensive Care Unit. She motioned for us to wait outside while she opened the door and stepped inside. I couldn't look at my husband because the terror that I felt through my body was clearly depicted in his eyes. We were scared for our loving child, Aliza. Five minutes passed when the door to the BICU opened and the nurse came out followed by a middle-aged man, who looked like a doctor.

He walked towards us with a gloomy expression on his face. My heart sank.

"Are you Aliza's family?" he asked.

"Yes." Humayun said.

"Please join me in my office. We need to talk." He said and started walking towards the opposite side. Humayun gave me a reassuring nod and then we followed the doctor towards his office. He held the door open for us and we entered. Seating himself behind his burgundy baronial desk, he looked at us as we took the guest chairs in front of his desk. He opened a folder in front of him and looked at us.

"I'm sorry to inform you that Aliza has suffered from third degree burns on her left side. From her head to feet and it may take months for her to heal physically. I can only assure you her physical heeling because at the stage she is now, mental healing is quite difficult. She will need a lot of love, patience and support to pull her through this situation. I hope you are getting my point here." He said as he looked at both of us.

"Will she be alright?" I asked the doctor. Tears fell from my eyes when I thought about my child suffering from what she was.

"It all depends on her courage and strength, Mrs. Humayun. At this stage, we can't say anything at all."

"Can we see her?" Humayun asked.

"Yes but you need to be strong in front of her. She needs your strength and if you break down, it won't help Aliza at all." He said.

"We will be strong for our baby." Humayun said. "Thank you doctor."

We walked out of the office, both of us in deep thought. Pain was etched on Humayun's face and I could feel his emotions. Aliza's left side of the body was burnt. My heart wrenched at the thought of not being there to save my baby.

We reached the BICU where the nurse was waiting for us. She held masks, gowns and gloves for us to wear in order to enter the Burn Intensive Care Unit. We put them on and then entered the BICU behind the nurse. She drew back the curtains around the bed where Aliza lay, covered from neck till feet. Her face was turned away from us as we stood there.

"Aliza!" I said. She turned her face slightly towards me, trying to hide the side that was burnt.

"Mom! Please go away. You don't have to see me like this." She said, tears clogging her throat.

"Baby, we are here for you. Together we will get the best treatments for you and then you'll be alright in no time."Humayun said.

She shook her head vigorously.

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