Chapter 33

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It was midnight when we returned to Toronto Harbor after having a romantic candlelight dinner followed by a detour of the ship. The view was breathtakingly beautiful and with Anis by my side, everything looked more beautiful than I'd expected. This was a dream come true. Everything around us was so magical. As we didn't drink alcohol, the waiter served us red grape juice on my request while we checked all three stories of the ship. The interior of the ship was lavishly decorated and beautiful. This was my first cruise and I loved each and every moment of it.

As the ship reached the Harbor, we descended the stairs and walked towards the parking. I was deliciously exhausted and somewhat cold now. All I was looking forward to getting into my soft bed and cherishing the memories of tonight.

I would never miss this for anything.

Anis. He was so sweet to me that sometimes it made me wonder how could that be possible. The words he had said to me and the lengths he had gone to make this perfect for me was mind-blowing. He really loved me so much and in that moment, I'd realized that I loved him. Whenever he wasn't around, I missed him dearly. He was all around me, his scent and fragrance, his aura, his physical being. If he hadn't been around me at such a crucial time in my life, I would've lost my sanity.

We walked from the wharf towards the parking, where his Corolla was already parked. He unlocked the car and helped me get inside through the passenger door. I closed the door softly and watched as he unlocked the driver's side of the door and started the car. I smiled at him which slowly turned into a yawn.

"Sleepy, already?" he asked as he reversed the car and we were on our way home.

"Yeah! I feel so much exhausted." I responded.

"You can put the seat back and sleep until we reach home." He suggested.

"No! I can survive until we reach home, then I can sleep in my bed." I said and yawned again.

"Alright, if that's what you want." He said and turned on some light music which was being played on the local radio station. My eyes started to droop and I lost all contact to the world.


"Alisha!!" Somebody was moving my shoulder. I gasped and sat up in the car seat. Damn! My back hurt so badly.

"We're home! Come, let's go inside." Anis said as he helped me step out of the car. I was still in a dreamy version of my self so I let him guide me to my room.

"Do you want to change your clothes?" he asked. I nodded and walked to the dressing room. I quickly unhooked my dress and slipped in my pajama tops. He was still in the room, waiting for me. I got in the bed and he tucked the covers all around me, like I was a child. He kissed my forehead, patted my cheek and then left.

I didn't know how long I'd slept when a heavy bolt of thunder woke me up. It was raining outside and I could hear the raindrops tapping at the windows. Lightening was evident from the parted curtains in my room. I was about to get up and close the curtains when another bolt of lightening stuck, scaring me. I quickly hid under my covers. I hated this weather, I hated it. Not even after twenty-three years had I got over my phobia of lightening.

I was thinking about this when another bolt scared the shit out of me. I quickly got out of the bed, slipped my feet in my slippers and opened the door. I was going to Anis's room. I had seen him put his luggage in the only other available room in the house. I knocked slightly and opened the door.

"Anis, are you awake?" I asked, searching for the switch but I couldn't find it.

"Yes, I'm here." He quickly switched on the bedside lamp. "What's wrong, Alisha? Scared of the weather outside?" he asked with tenderness in his eyes.

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