Chapter Nine

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I wake to the annoying sound of my arch-nemesis. A.K.A. The alarm clock.
I roll over and try to bat it with my hand. "Ugh... Just five more minutes!"
"EMMALEE NATALIA MATTHEWS! WAKE UP!" Daniella shouts as she comes into my room. I keep my eyes closed.
"Daniella..." I moan and cover myself in my duvet.
"We'll be late for school!" She says as she snatches the duvet off me.
"What?" I open my eyes and remember. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that..."
"Come on."
I sit up. "When do we leave?
I glance at the clock. "IT'S 7:00! I'LL NEVER GET READY IN TIME!" I jump out of bed and run to the mirror.
"Hurry up then!" She walks out.
"SHOWER!" I shout and grab my towel. I run out and into the bathroom. I start the shower and get undressed. I get in, and after about five minutes I start singing. "Budgêt budgêt...!" (A/N: Pronouced Bu-je. I think it's French, idk it's in a commercial for Budget Direct which is an Australian company.)
Daniella bangs on the door. "Just be quiet and get clean!" She shouts.
"Sorry!" I roll my eyes and wash myself.

After a while I get out, and wrap the towel around me.
"Now get dressed!" Daniella says as I open the door.
"OKAY CAPTAIN!" I say. "Wait, what's the time?"
"7:30." She replies.
"SEVEN THRTY?!" I scream.
Daniella smacks her forehead and sighs.
"Whatever, I'm getting dressed." I run into my room and get dressed in the clothes I bought at the airport in Australia with Jamie.

I stand in front of the mirror. "MY HAIR! What am I going to do with this mess?!" I pick up my brush and start brushing through my hair frantically. After managing to not make it frizzy, I have to decide how to wear it. "Um, I'll just leave it down."
"EMMA! TEN MINUTES!" Daniella shouts.
"WHAT?!" I scream. "I need my bag!" I look around for my backpack and grab it. "Okay, bag, brush, hair ties, books, phone, iPad..."

After I finish packing Daniella calls again."ARE YOU READY?!"
"What? Oh, um, yeah!" I reply.
"FINE! Miss Bossy..." I mutter under my breath.
I check that I've got everything "Shoes, bag. Ready."
I rush down the stairs. Daniella rolls her eyes "Finally."
"I wasn't that long!"
"Yes, you were."
"Whatever." I roll my eyes.
"Here's your water bottle and lunch." She says as she hands me my lunch.
"Thanks mom."
"I'm not mom, she's just busy."
"Doing what?" I ask.
"Sorting out last minute things."
"What sort of last minute things?"
"Bus passes, you know."
"COME ON WE'LL BE LATE!" She shouts as she grabs her bag and walks out.
"Fine." I grab mine and walk out too.
"GET IN THE CAR!" Daniella shouts.
"Okay okay!" I say as I get in the new eight-seated car that Aunt Caroline bought for mom.
"Now to school?" I ask.
"Yeah." Daniella nods.
"Wait, I forgot breakfast!" I remember.
"Here, have a bar!"
"Okay..." I take the breakfast bar from Daniella and start eating. She is more organised than usual...
"Hi Emma and Daniella!" Jamie says as she appears from around the side of the car.
"Hi Jamie!" I reply.
"Where am I sitting?" She asks.
"Next to me on the right next to the window."
"Okay." She gets in.
"You girls ready?" Mom asks as she gets in the car.
"Yes mom!" Daniella and I answer.
"Yes Mrs Matthews!" Jamie replies.
After twenty minutes we get to school and the car stops."Bye girls! Have a good day!" Mom says as we open the doors and get out.
"Thanks, we will!" Daniella, Jamie and I reply as mom drives away.
The bell rings. "I think we might be late..." I say, staring at the school.
"Then let's hurry!" Daniella replies, and we run to the courtyard.
We see a senior girl and she walks over to us, smiling. "Hello, are you lost?" She asks.
"Um, no, we don't know where we are going..." I reply.
"Oh, you're new! Names?" The girl asks.
"Emma or Emmalee Matthews." I reply.
The girl nods. "Yep."
"Daniella Matthews." Daniella says.
"Sisters?" The girl asks.
"Twins." Daniella and I answer in sync.
"Oh, cool! And you?" The girl looks at Jamie.
"Oh, Jamie Boxter." Jamie says.
"Okay girls, you're home rooms are all 8MM. Your academic classes are all 8A, so you are all in the same class!"
"YES!" Daniella, Jamie and I cheer together.
"There is your classroom!" The girl points up at a staircase, which leads to a second level of classrooms. I look up to where she's pointing, a cluster of kids are standing together. Girls are laughing with girls and boys are talking with boys.
"Thank you!" Daniella, Jamie and I say as we turn away.
I turn back and Daniella and Jamie stop. "Wait! What's your name?" I ask.
"Jasmine Fenson." Jasmine smiles.
"Okay thanks. See you around Jasmine!" I run after Jamie and Daniella.
Jasmine waves. "Bye!"
We all run up the stairs. "And we aren't actually late..." I point out as we reach the top.
"That's good." Daniella replies.
"I really want a top locker!" I say.
"So do I!" Jamie agrees.
A teacher appears from out of the classroom and smiles. He starts talking. "Morning students, I am Doctor Watson and I am your home room teacher!"
"Morning Dr Watson." Everybody replies.
"Now, I hope you have a great time! Let's go in the classroom!"


I walk in the hallways before third period. Then I hear a familiar voice."Oh, look who it is." They sneer.
"Huh? Who are-" I start to ask as I turn around. "Oh no." It's the girl from the airport. The girl that I bumped into and that got all fiesty.
"Oh yes." She walks up to me. "Why do you have to be here? It's not like you've got any talent anyway!"
"HOW DARE YOU!" I shout.
"What? It's true!" She looks at me with big innocent eyes.
I start to walk up to the girl. "You little-" Daniella appears out of nowhere and stops me, somehow in the nick of time before I punch the girl.
"Oh, Emma! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Daniella says. She laughs nervously. "Sorry, about her..."
"Oh, it's fine!" The girl smiles.
"Really?" Daniella asks.
"No. Now get out of my sight! And take your... Friend... With you!" The girl death stares me, before she flicks her hair and walks off.
"What's with her?" Daniella asks.
"If I knew, I would tell you." I shrug.
"Okay then..."
"Come on, we need to get to class." We walk away.


I'm about to go around the corner to the courtyard for lunch, when the annoying girl's voice stops me. I stay pressed up to the wall and listen.
"Anyways, there was this annoying weirdo talking to me today."
The girl's friend stares at her in disbelief. "Really? Why would they talk to you?"
"I don't know, like- wait, WHAT DID YOU JUST MEAN BY THAT?!" The girl screams at her friend.
"Oh, sorry Melissa, I didn't mean it the way you think, I promise!" The girl's friend backs up.
The girl steps towards her. "And what did I think?"
"Um..." The girl's friend looks at the floor.
'Gee, I sure do feel sorry for her...' I think.
"Anyway, one of her friends or something ran up and took her away before the girl could attack me. I think her name was Empa or something..." She rolls her eyes.
"What a strange name!" The girl's friend looks back at her.
"I know right!"
That's when I can't take it anymore. I walk around the corner and past them.
"Oh look, there she is now." The girl sneers.
"She's the 'weirdo'? She looks nice to me!" The girl's friend says.
The girl shoots her friend a death stare.
I walk up to the girl. "Look, my name is not 'Empa', it's Emma. And I don't even know your name or anything about you. Just that you're a stuck up little brat!" I say.
The girl's eyes pop out of her sockets. Her friend stares at me in disbelief. "WHAT?!" The girl screams in my face.
"Oh, her name is Melissa and I'm Amanda." The girl's friend- or Amanda- says.
The girl- Melissa - turns her head slowly to Amanda and death stares the coldest death stare I've ever seen. Well, Melissa sure is good at those... "AMANDA ROSE WATSON! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" She screams.
"Sorry Melissa..." Amanda apologises. Melissa turns back to me. Amanda mouths to me 'I think you should run now'. I nod slightly. "Well, I gotta go, see ya. Bye!" I take off sprinting down the hall to the courtyard, Melissa's screams of protest echoing behind me. I stop, in the courtyard. "Well that was close." I pant. "Anyway, this is the last day that I'm thirteen. I should make the most of it!" I walk off.

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