Chapter Four

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My mum told us (My twin sister Daniella and I) that we were moving two days ago. I don't want to leave, but I really, really, really don't want to stay here on a tiny island in pretty much the middle of nowhere. You may be wondering where we're moving, but my mum wants it to be a surprise, so we don't a clue where.
For all I know, I could be moving to the middle of Antarctica or the North Pole. But to tell the truth, I really think anywhere is better than here.


I hang off the side of my bed. "I'm so bored!" I moan as I fall on the floor. "Ow!" I get up and look at the mess that I call my room. "Pick up these clothes!" A dress flies into the air and my eyes widen. "What the? Again?!" I fall back.
"Emma!" Daniella runs in and holds me up just before I hit the floor.
"Oh, th-thank you Daniella." I reply weakly.
"You sound weak." She lifts me up and onto my bed.
"I-I'm not, no, um, I, I'm fine- just a little headache that-that's all."
"Did you try that dress thingy again?"
"Um... No?"
"Emma! There is something seriously strange going on..."
"I'm sure it's nothing... Anyway, thanks for catching me."
"No problem."
Daniella looks around and frowns. "Emma, you haven't even started packing."
"Yeah, well, I'm working on it. And besides, I just had a little chaos, you know."
"Yeah yeah, sorry. Anyway I'll help you."
"Thank you Daniella."
"Anyway, I found out where we're moving to."
"Really? Did mum tell you?"
"Well, if you count reading an email that she sent to Aunt Caroline, then yes."
"Guess where we're moving to!"
"I just nearly fainted and you want me to play guessing games?"
"Fine, fine. Sorry. We're moving to... Drumroll please?"
I bang my hands on the desk.
"NEW YORK!" Daniella smiles.
My eyes widen. "WHAT? As in New York City, America? But that's, like, all the way across the world. Why are we moving there? Besides, We're already going there on the school camp..."
Daniella doesn't say anything, she just stares at me.
"What?" I snap.
"So you didn't see."
"Ur, see what?"
"Read this." Daniella hands me a piece of paper.
"Um, okay..." I say as I take the sheet. I read it. I gasp in shock. "It's from the New York School of Performing Arts... I got accepted in! NO WAY! Daniella, do you know what this means?!" I ask.
"Um, yes..."
"This is amazing! I have dreamed of this my WHOLE LIFE!"
"Well, you'd better finish packing."

Outside ~ Book One (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now