Chapter Sixteen

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I wake up in my room to see Daniella and Jamie standing in front of me.
"Are you okay Emma?" Daniella asks.
"Yeah." I rub my head and look at the bruise on my arm.
"I know something strange is going on here and you two aren't telling me." Jamie says as she crosses her arms and gives us a disappointed stare. Crap. I look at Daniella and back to Jamie.
"I guess I should tell you..." I whisper. "Jamie... I have powers..."
"I can see that." She replies, raising an eyebrow.
I look up at Jamie. "You can?"
"Yes, and I'm upset you didn't tell me."
"Jamie, there's a really long story that Emma should probably tell you." Daniella says. They both look at me.
"Well, I have a lot of powers that are very strong and apparently I'm the most powerful person on the planet. There is an organisation, OSBE- The Organisation of Supernatural Beings Existence- and they want to capture me, runs tests and experiment on me and then..." I gulp. "...they want to Kill me."
Jamie's eyes widen and she gasps. "Woah."
"Yeah..." I reply, looking at the floor.
"That's why we haven't seen you lately. Emma's been training with a lady who warned her about OSBE and her powers." Daniella explains.
"I can kind of control my powers, but not so good that I can defeat a whole organisation and stop it from trying to kill me." I add.
"Oh." Jamie replies.
"I don't know what to do. Everywhere I turn they're ganging up on me, waiting for the right moment to attack and get me. I'm endangered."


The next day, I have a free day. Daniella is doing her homework and Jamie had to go somewhere with her mom so I'm basically alone, since mom and aunt Caroline went out shopping with Rachel. I'm lying outside on the grass, staring at the clouds floating in the sky. Clouds are lucky, they don't have to worry about anything...
Suddenly I hear a knock at the fence and get up to see Maddison. I walk over to where she is and open the door.
She walks to me with a look of panic and fear in her eyes.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
Maddison drags me outside and swallows. "Emma, OSBE know you've been training. They know that I've been helping you. There isn't much time, they're soon going to get me out of the way, and then you're next."
The words repeat over and over again in my head. 'You're next.'
"You have to be prepared Emma, you're in serious danger."
"B-but, I don't know how!" I shout.
"Yes you do! I've taught you, and you know how to use most of your powers. You've managed to master the main powers and that's all that matters at this point. OSBE are going to come soon at any time and they will try to capture you. You have to be ready and make sure they don't succeed!"
"But what if they do something I don't expect? What if I can't do it? What if they get me?" Oh no... "What if I die?!" I shout in despair. This is all so overwhelming. "Maddison, I can't do it! I can't fight them! I can't defeat them! I'm just some useless teenage girl who was born with powers and is now in danger of being killed. Nothing else. Maddison, I'm a danger, to everyone."
"That's not true Emma-"
"No, it is! I'm running away to where no one can find me and everyone will be safe!" I shout and I run out of my garden, towards a huge dark forest. I have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going but I have to get away. This is all way too overwhelming!
"Why... Why did it have to me..." I whisper as I fall to my knees in the middle of the forest. I look around. I'm surrounded by trees and darkness.
I'm lost, and there's no way out.
I'm never going back.

Outside ~ Book One (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now