Chapter One

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I stare out my window at the trees blowing in the distance. I sigh and look at the many posters on my wall of TV shows, Animes and Gymnastics, as well as random photos of my sister and our friends from a few years ago.
"Emma..." I hear someone start to say as I turn around and look into my sister's green eyes. "What are you doing?" Daniella asks, clearly tired from her studying marathon from last night. You see, even though Daniella and I are identical twins, we have basically nothing in common, apart from our shared obsessions of ghosts, powers, reading, writing, and music. Daniella is the smart twin, always getting A's on her report cards; But, she can also quite bossy when she wants to be - which I have a feeling is what's going to happen now.
"Um, nothing?" I reply with caution. Always be cautious with a tired Daniella...
"SCHOOL IS IN HALF AN HOUR, GET READY!" Yep, she's very tired today, which means she is even bossier than usual. Great -_-
"Okay, Mother..." I mutter under my breath. Daniella narrows her eyes and walks out of my room, her caramel hair flowing in the wind behind her.
I walk over to my mirror and look at myself. When I say Daniella and I are identical twins, I mean in facial looks- like the shape and look of our faces, not the hair and eyes. We used to be completely identical; at least until I was ten, when my eyes somehow turned a mix between ice-blue and ghost-green, which was unheard of from our whole family. My hair also changed as well, deciding to have streaks of black and blonde in my caramel hair. Daniella's looks stayed exactly the same though, but that didn't bother her. All she cared about was why and how my looks had changed.
I am still wearing my pyjamas, so I change into a white top and black skirt with black converse and tie my hip length wavy hair into a high ponytail. I pick up my backpack and look at my watch. 7:50am, and school starts at 8:20am. What was Daniella talking about, we have plenty of time!
"Emma," Daniella says as she walks into my room.
"Yes?" I reply.
"The car broke down, so we have to walk to school."
Crap, it takes about ten minutes to get there- If we're lucky...


After a very painful twenty minutes of walking, we finally get to school. I drag my feet on the floor and lower my head.
"See you at lunch." Daniella says before walking away.
"Bye." I reply. Suddenly I'm hit by something - no, someone - at a very high speed. "Hey! Watch where you're going you-" I look up to see who it is and stop shouting. It's Jamie, my best friend. "Oh, sorry."
"It's fine Emma." Jamie smiles as she pulls me up off the floor.
"What turned you into a buffalo?" I ask without emotion.
"And what turned you into such a downer?"
I narrow my eyes at her. "Walk, Jamie. I had to walk. To school. With Daniella. Who was moaning at me. And got lost for five minutes. And fell over. And-"
"Okay, I get your point..." Jamie cuts me off. "Anyway, guess what?"
"I am not in the mood for guessing games. At all."
"Sorry..." Jamie replies as we walk to our lockers. I open mine and shove my backpack inside. "Well... we're going to New York!"
I pick up my head a bit and my eyes widen. I turn away from my locker and look at Jamie. "New York?"
"Yes, for a school trip for a whole week! And then afterwards we go to Paris for another week!"
"Are you kidding me? That's amazing!" My mood changes from upset to excited. "When?"
"In three weeks!"
"Oh my gosh, this is awesome!"
The bell goes and I close my locker door. "Well, I guess we'd better go to class or we'll be late..." I say.
"Yes, well, off to home room!"
Jamie skips off and I roll my eyes. Jamie must be really excited- she's a tomboy and she never skips. Ever. I shake my head, laugh and run after her. "Wait for me!"

Outside ~ Book One (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now