Chapter Six

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On the way to the airport, mum tells us that we are moving to New York City. Dani and I act surprised and start squealing, so I think she buys it.

"Sorry I took a while," Daniella apologises, as she runs up to the chair I'm sitting on.
"Yeah, well, not everyone can run as fast as me!" I laugh as I stretch out my arms.
"Pfft!" She rolls her eyes.
"What? It's true!" I grin.
"Sure." She sits on the seat next to me.
"I can't believe we are moving to the other side of the world!" I say.
"Yeah, it's so far away from home!" She nods.
"At least it's New York.
"I'm so excited about the plane!"
"I'm nervous!"
"No, you're terrified." I say.
Daniella looks at me confused. "How did you-"
I cut her off. "Twins. Duh!" I roll my eyes.
"Oh, yeah..."
Jamie runs up to us, smiling and out of breath. "Hey, have you seen the clothes store over there?"
"What? Where were you?" I ask.
"The clothes store over there. They have the best clothes EVER! You have to see them!"
"Okay then." I get up and look down at my sister. "Dani, are you coming?"
"No thanks. I'll stay and read my book." Daniella opens her bag and pulls out a thick book.
"See you in a while then, and save our seats!" I wave as Jamie drags me away to the front of the clothes store. It must be good, because Jamie is a Tomboy and doesn't really like shopping for clothes that much.
"See!" Jamie smiles as she shows me the front of the store. There are tons of clothes racks and shelves, and the walls all around the store are covered with multi-color fairy lights.
"Whoa, this is seriously cool!" I reply in awe.
"I know right!"
I look up at the shop title and raise an eyebrow. "Dream clothes? Isn't that a weird title?"
"Hey, I don't care about the title, it's only the clothes that matter."
"Fair enough. I'll go look at the dresses and skirts."
"You're on your own then, I'm going to look at the casual section."
"Okay then." I reply before walking over to the dress/skirt section by myself. I stare in awe at the dresses. "Wow, Jamie wasn't kidding about these clothes! They're amazing!" I say to myself as I walk to the other side of the dresses rack. I bump into a girl and she nearly falls over.
She screams. "Hey!"
"Oh my gosh I'm so so so so sorry. I'm kinda clumsy sometimes and-"
"You got that right!" She shoots me a death stare. If she was in the anime Death Note, I'm pretty sure she would write my name down in the notebook for sure. But thank goodness Death Note is not real and neither is the notebook, so I think I'm safe...
"Here, let me help you." I say, plastering a smile on my face and reaching for her hand.
She doesn't give me it. "I don't need help from you! Freak!" She gets up and looks me up and down. She's got long brown hair, blue eyes, and a singlet top with a short skirt and heels.
"EXCUSE ME?!" I yell back in her face.
"I'm not dealing with a dork!" She
"I'm not a dork!" I argue.
"Fine, clumsy!"
"Now, get out of my sight!"
"Sheesh, grumpasaurus!" I roll my eyes, flick my hair(To show her that I do have a bit of style, even though I'm currently wearing a shirt, jeans and converse.) and walk away to where Jamie is. I walk up and stand next to her.
"I thought you were looking over there." Jamie asks to me as she puts a shirt back on a shelf.
"Nah, I- um... Finished. I need some new shirts anyway. And these pink and teal high tops are so awesome! I love these skirts too!" I reply, pulling lots of clothes off the shelves.
"I think I'm going to get these shorts, tops and blue converse."
"They're so cool!"
"I know what outfit I'm wearing on the first day of school!"
"Same." I reply as we walk up to the desk.
We buy the clothes and walk out.
"Well, it was only-" I look at the receipt "ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS?!" I scream.
Jamie puts her hand on my shoulder. "Emma, it's cheap! These are designer, remember? Any other store would be about four to five hundred dollars or something."
I guess she's right. "True. We'd better get back, our flight's boarding soon."
We walk back to our seats. Suddenly I see the girl that I bumped into, and she's right next to them!
'WHAT? That girl can't be boarding! Oh no, what if she's going to NYSPA? That would make it a lot harder...' I think.
The girl walks away.
'Phew! She's going to Seattle! That's my problem solved! Now to prepare...'
I sneak up behind Daniella. "How's the book going?" I ask, as I pop out of nowhere in front of her face.
"AHH!" Daniella screams.
I laugh. "Classic."
"Don't scare me like that!"
"Okay, okay! Sorry!"
"You better be!"
"Ha! Anyway, how's your book? Um..." I move my head to look at the book title. "'All about New York City'?"
"Yeah, it's really interesting! Did you know-"
"Wait." I put the shopping bag into my backpack and sit down next to my sister. "Now continue."
"Okay, did you know that in 1626, the Dutch purchased Manhattan Island from the Lenape Native Americans for $1000USD. The English conquered the city from the Dutch in 1664, and "New Amsterdam" became "New York." In 1698, New York City only had a population of 4,937 people. New York City is now the most populated city in the USA with more than 8.2 million peo-" Daniella's voice fades off into the distance.
I look at the bag on the table next to Daniella.
'Lift.' I think. The bag lifts a little and then I gasp and collapse in my chair.
"36% of the current population of New York City was born outside the United States. Unlike most major subways systems around the world, the New York Subway runs 24 hours a da-" She looks over at me and her eyes widen. "Emma! Are you alright?!"
I sit up and rub my head. "Um, yeah, just thought I saw something..."
"Did you lift a dress?" She looks at me, puzzled.
"No. I lifted a bag..." I fiddle with the handle of my backpack.
"Same thing, Emma." Daniella glares at me and I look away.
"I was probably seeing things..."
"Whatever you say."
Jamie walks up to us with bags of candy in her hands. "I'm so nervous!" She says, playing with her honey blonde hair.
"You? Nervous? That's like saying that NYC is in New Zealand." I reply.
"But last time I went on a plane was to the UK with you and that was more than a year ago!"
"Jam, you'll be fine. You're the bravest girl I know!"
"Thanks Emma."
Mum rests her hand on myself and Daniella's shoulders. "Ready to board girls?"
"Yes!" Jamie, Daniella and I reply.
"Let's go then!" She says and then we pick up our bags and board the plane, the ten million butterflies partying in my stomach boarding too.


Just so you all know,
1) I don't like Death Note, I just thought it would be a funny reference.
2) Chapter Five and Six (And a bit of Seven) are inspired by my friend. The rest of it is completely mine.
Hope you are enjoying my book and don't forest to vote for me in the Wattys2015! :)


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