A little about May :3

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My name is May Lee Bakers.
I'm sixteen years old and sister of three brothers. Mathew is the oldest, Daniel is the third and Steven is the youngest. I am the second child and the only girl. My mother is a florist who owns her own flower shop and my father is a pediatrician. I have this thing that I love capturing moments. Everywhere I go I take my camera and snap pictures of whatever is happening. Doesn't matter if we are just taking a trip to get ice-cream,I just need to have hold of the moment. I love collecting things. Buttons,rocks,sea shells,stickers,magazines,etc.

I am a very social person. I could say I know a lot of people but I'm just close to 5 people who I would call friends. Zelena is my long distance friend. We use to live in the same town and use to do everything together but sadly 4 years ago she moved away. Pansy who is actually called Patricia Maribel is kinda the close thing I have to a girl-best friend because I seem to get along more with guys than with girls we could say. Then there is Marcus,who has a twin sister called Mariana,who influences him in his taste of music much since he loves Taylor Swift. James is one of my two closes best friends. He is a total perfect child always getting straight A's, obeys his parents and never does anything wrong. Then there is the cool side of him that he loves video games(something we have in common), rock music and is pretty much always trying to find an excuse to go to the movie theater.Then there is my other close best friend Sam. Sam is the type of boy who doesn't really care what other people think about him. He enjoys being himself, likes video games too, watches a ton of anime probably while he sleeps, kinda dislikes his parents because they never let him do anything by himself and he is the one person I can count on if I need someone to listen to me.

Sam and James have been friends since forever. No really,they have been literally friends since elementary school. I met them when we were in our starting year of high school meaning 9th grade . I met Pansy, Sam and Marcus when we were in Science that year. We all needed some lab partners and we sorta just ended up on the same table. Through Sam I met James. We didn't share any classes but we always hanged out at lunch or after school.

The one thing we all have in common is that we are all on the school advanced band.Its not that regular band that everyone has to take, it's more like the best students get to be in the advanced band. I for now play the Saxophone, started learning to play the Trumpet and aspire to learn Flute since probably is the closes thing to an Ocarina(LOZFTW). Pansy and Marcus both play the Flute and yes, Marcus likes the flute since he knows every Tay Swift song on it. James plays the acoustic guitar, electric guitar and the bass(yes I know perfect child right there) and Sam is a slight beginner on the bass.

This year we are all in the same classes. I feel like I prayed for it too much tho. On Fridays we go help out my mother at the flower shop and on Tuesdays we help Pansy's parents at their bakery. As a payment we get to have all the sweets at the end of the day.

This year we have promised to make it our best year yet. By the end of the year we hope we don't have any regrets. Even if that means letting our feelings go wild and show our true selfs.

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