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You were on your way to the arena where Austin was having a concert and were excited. He just came back from his tour and this is his last show before he's home with you for the summer.

You missed him so much and you just couldn't wait to be tangled in his arms and kiss him. You guys started dating the day before he left a year and a half ago. He confessed to you the day before he left that he was crazy for you and you felt the same way. He waited so long to tell you and told you the day before because he didn't wanna that what if feeling to take him over on his tour.

As you pulled up, you parked and headed to the back. You showed them your VIP pass on the Mahomie laniard, even though they remember your face. You went backstage and saw Zach. None of them knew you were coming except Alex, he's the one that snuck you the VIP pass in the mail. You ran up to Zach and jumped on his back, he stumbled back but he caught your legs anyways. You jumped down and he whipped around and a smile grew on his face.

"(Y/N)!" He hugged you and you laughed as he let you go. "What are you doing here?" He smiled.

"I'm here to surprise Austin-" you started but were cut off by Robert slamming into your side in a awkward hug...for you.

"(Y/N)!" I missed you so much" he gave you a good squeeze and you laughed as it seemed like he never wanted to let you go. "What are you doing here?"

"Like I was saying to Zach, I came to surprise Austin! Alex sent me a VIP pass" you held it up as he let you go. "Where is he?" You got super excited.

"In his dressing room" he pointed in the direction and you waved before walking towards it. You were down a hall with a lot of rooms, when you saw Alex.

"Alex!" He jumped and turned, a smile on his face as you gave him a big hug. "Thank you so much for sending me the pass"

"No problem, we've missed you so much....especially Austin" he laughed as you separated. "That's his room right there" he pointed to a door and your heart started racing as you looked at it. "See you later"

"Ok" you waved as he walked away, leaving you to stare at the door alone. It's been so long since you e seen him and your wondering if he still feels the same way. You walked to the room and knocked on it.

"Come in" his heavenly voice brought shivers down your spine and you let a deep breath before opening the door. Austin was sitting on a mini couch with Becky G beside him and his arm on the couch behind his head. You were shocked as well as he was. "(Y/N)?" He laughed out.

"In the flesh" you gave a nervous smile before he came and gave you a big hug. You never wanted to let him go, but you were confused. "I missed you"

"I missed you too" he mumbled before pulling away. "Becky, you know (Y/N) right?"

"Yea...seen her around" she shrugged before standing up. "I'll give you guys some...privacy" she gave you a envious look before exiting, closing the door behind her.

"How are you here right now?" A smile grew on his face and you kinda just stood there feeling really awkward. "What's wrong (Y/N)?"

"Do you have feeling for Becky G?" You spoke out your thoughts and looked him in the eyes. He looked shocked like when you walked in and then looked hurt.

"Do you really think of do that? (Y/N) I told you how I felt about you. No girl could ever make these feelings that I have for you go away" he shook his head as he walked up to you. "Becky's nice....but your what I want" he moved hair from your face and leaving his hand holding your cheek. "Don't ever question my feelings for you" you nodded and he smiled.

"You missed my birthday" you fake poured and he sighed.

"I know....I'm sorry" he pulled back and went towards his duffle bag. "But I brought this to make up for it" he held out a little box that he opened, revealing a beautiful necklace with your and his initials in a heart.

"It's beautiful" you smiled as he put it around your neck and you hugged him. "You know... You still owe me one specific present that I didn't get before you left" you smirked, hoping he'd catch the drift of you wanting a kiss. He smiled knowingly and wrapped his arms around you waist.

"All you had to do was ask babe" he winked before planting his lips on your for the very first time. Fireworks spreading throughout your body as you never wanted it to end.

ACM Imagines//Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now