FriendZone pt.1

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"Hey (Y/N)" Austin greeted you with a hug as you just arrived to his house.

He invited you over to tell you some news and he said he needed help with it. You begged him to tell you over the phone and save you 2 bus rides, but he said you just had to come over. You didn't really mind as he was your best friend and you lived spending time with him.

That and you sorta had a major crush on him, you might even be in love with him.

"Hi Michele" you have her a quick hug as Austin was already pulling you up the stairs to his room. Once you made it to his room, you plopped down on the bed and he closed the door. "So what did you- ow!" You were cut off as he belly flopped on top of you, you both were laughing hard.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" he was hovered over you. Your faces were so close, his hot breath fanning over your lips. Your heart was racing and your palms started getting sweaty. He always does these things with you but he doesn't know how much it affects you. "(Y/N)!" He laughed and snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Oh yea....what did you have to tell me?" You cleared your throat and rolled off you, feeling flustered. He sat beside you and clasped his hands together.

"I have a date tonight" he smiled and yours was wiped off you face. "What's wrong (Y/N)? Why do seem so sad?..... Aren't you happy for me?" His smile was off his face too and it broke your heart even more.

"You just took me by surprise" you nervously laughed and gave a fake smile. You were trying your best not to let your pain show through your face as he looked at you.

You felt like light was pulled from your world and everything was know dark and dull. Three years of a major crush, gone down the drain. You have nobody to blame but your self though, you never told him you liked him. You always knew this day would come, he wouldn't remain single forever, he's too sweet and adorable.

"W-Who is it?" Your voice was shaky and you spoke just above a mumble.

"You know Olivia from my math class?" He asked and you nodded. You felt even more confused and hurt. Olivia was a tall brunette, sometimes she was a little rude but she was nice in general. She dressed a little on the skimpy side and always had caked on make up....but she was popular. You never would've thought he'd go for girls like that but Olivia would totally go for him, he's totally hot.

"Could you help me by getting the food, then helping me set it up?" You nodded as he was your best friend regardless. You always want him to be happy....even if it may not be with you.

Two hours later and everything's ready and he's gonna take you to the spot so you can set up. The car ride was insanely quiet, you didn't wanna speak. You felt that if you opened your mouth, you'd blurt out how you really feel. You want to, but you don't wanna ruin his date by making him feel like crap, that and you don't wanna ruin your friendship.

"Wait....your taking her to our spot?!" You looked around and felt a pang of anger run through your veins. There's a little cliff outside a forest that you guy always go to and talk. It has a little water fall into a cute river and it's an amazing view over the city. You didn't realize where you were going cause you held your head low as you walked.

"Admit it...your jealous (Y/N)" he put down the stuff and smirked at you. "You know you've been acting weird" he looked at you and stayed quiet. What are you supposed to say? He's going on this date with the spot you showed him.

"No, I'm not taking Olivia to our spot (Y/N)! I'm not taking anyone, anywhere" he laughed and you were just standing, trying to put two and two together.

"What?" You asked when you couldn't figure it out. He sighed, playfully rolling his eyes before walking up to you. He took the basket from your hands, placing it in the ground and taking your hands in his. Your heart started to beat out of your chest as you looked from your hands, to his eyes.

"There's no date with Olivia" he smiled and you felt happy but your were still confused. "I made that stuff up to have a date with you (Y/N). I thought if I asked you straight'd say no so I thought I'd trick you into it. (Y/N), I've had the biggest crush on you...ever since I met you. Your all I think about and there's so many times where I wanted to kiss your freaking badly" he bit his lip and you laughed, holding back your tears of joy. "So..will you go on this date with me?"

"I've only been waiting for three years Austin!" You laughed before jumping up and hugging him. He pulled you, closer to the edge and started taking off his shirt. You quickly followed taking off your too and jeans. He picked you up bridal style causing you to laugh and jumped into the river.

As you resurfaced, he held you close to his body. You wrapped your arms around his neck and glances at the beautiful sun set around you. "I can't believe you did this" you shook your head, still in complete shock.

"There's nobody else I'd rather be with" he smiled before kissing you passionately.

A/N: It's called FriendZone because of the show FriendZone on MTV. If your not familiar with it, basically it's guys and girls taking their best friend's on a tv show, making them think their on it to help them out, only to be told that the date is for them.

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