The Light

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*Emily's POV*

At first I was floating. Nothing was around me, just pure blackness. And that blackness was nothing. There are times when darkness can feel like something. But this felt like nothing. 

Then, I started floating through moments in my life. The first was when Jack and I got married on the beach when we were just kids. Before I started my life of revenge. 

The second scene I came across was when my father was taken away from me, and my life changed forever. 

The third was when I returned to the Hamptons, to make Daniel Grayson fall in love with me, and take down Conrad and Victoria. 

I saw Nolan and I working together, myself spilling my drink on Daniel's jacket, kissing Jack by the fire after Sammy died.  I saw Amanda dying in the raft, and myself letting go of her body, crying after. I saw Victoria blowing up Grayson Manor and faking her death to exact her revenge on me. I saw me marrying Jack for real, then sailing off on our honeymoon. I saw our return, when I found out Victoria and Daniel were alive. I saw my father dying, his funeral, the flowers from Conrad Grayson. I saw Daniel and I kissing in the hallway of my father's funeral. I saw all the tabloid headlines, and I saw Jack and Charlotte on the bar. I saw my night with Daniel, the one that resulted in his child. I saw Carl, begging Daniel to be the one to give him a bath. 

I didn't realize that I was experiencing my life flashing before my eyes, like most people see right before death. I didn't realize that the last scene I was heading towards was the birth of my beautiful children, and after that, there was just a bright nothingness. I braced myself as I floated right into the light. 

Right into the nothing.  

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