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*Jack's POV*

I walked into Emily's room. It had taken long enough to get inside. I was on the other side of the bed in minutes. 

"Jack," Emily whispered.

"Em," I said, not knowing what else to say. She grabbed my hand and squeezed, screaming in the process. 

"When are they going to get her an epidural?" I asked Daniel. 

"She's already past the point where she can get one. It's going to be all natural," Daniel said, grimacing. 

"Oh, god. Em, are you going to be ok?" I asked. 

"I'm going to have to, right?" She said, smiling at me, releasing my hand. A few minutes later, she was squeezing both mine and Daniel's hands as well. A nurse came in. 

"Honey, I can get you on some painkillers, but it's not going to be anywhere near an epidural," she said. 

"Just get me anything you can," she said. 

"Hang on there, boys. She doesn't have much longer," the nurse said. I looked down at Emily. She was pale and sweaty, and her eyes had a far off look. 

"Em, are you ok?" I asked her, knowing that she didn't normally look like that. 

"I'm...fine," she whispered weakly. 

"Can you get somebody to check on her? She doesn't look well," I said. 

"Are you the husband, or the mistress?" The nurse asked me. 

"I'm the almost ex-husband," I said, glancing at Daniel. 

"Listen, buddy. I know when a patient needs help, and...oh my god," the nurse said, looking at Emily. I looked down, and blood was pooling from there. A baby's head was crowning. 

"Hang in there, Ems, you've got this," Daniel said, looking reassuringly down at her, then panicky at me. 

"Where is a fucking doctor?" I yelled at the nurse, who ran out of the room. 

"What's wrong?" Emily said, starting to become panicky as well. 

"Nothing is wrong. Absolutely everything is going to be ok," I said, brushing her sweaty hair away from her face. 

"Don't go anywhere. Neither one of you. I need you both," she said, her voice becoming stronger with panic. 

The nurse ran in the room, along with three more nurses and two doctors. 

"Why do all of you need to be here?" Daniel asked.

"We interesting situation here," the nurse said. 

"What?" I asked, urgently. 

"The other baby is trying to push this one out. Even though Emily isn't yet at a 10," the nurse said. 

"So what's going to happen?" I asked. 

"She's going to push," the doctor said. 

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