Darkness comes to life

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Jules, Marcus and Joseph were in the discution. My voice won't come out, my eyes wouldn't open either. Am I really dying?

One moment they were rushing me to the hospital, the next I could hear the rush of people running.

"We will take it from here Joseph." Said a male voice.

After that, everything was unknown to me.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was laying on the wet floor covered by dry leafs. Everything is foggy, the weather is very humid. The woods seems like a dangerous place, yet by now I am so used to it. Getting up I wiped my self, best thing to do is just see where the path of leafs take me. I was wearing a hospital gown, walking around barefoot. I checked my wrist only to find a wristband with my name on it. Alexandra Jules Halsey. That's weird, I don't remember getting my mother's name back. Ignoring the little detail, I kept on walking.

The trees were moving in a blissful peacefulness, even I felt calmed. The wet ground wasn't bothering me at all. I closed my eyes and took in a big breath. A smile appeared on my face. Nature is fascinating, world's best gift to us. The loud chirp of a crow made me open my eyes quite fast. Suddenly everything seemed darker. I was reaching the end of the pathway. There wasn't just one crow, every single branch of every single dying tree held lines of them. Their eyes staring right at me. I was frozen in place, glued to the now muddy ground. The weather changed, it was getting too cold. My skin crawl, I held myself trying to keep myself warm. Shivers were running down my spine.

'Alex. Alex, Alex, Alex,'

The wind kept on whispering my name, each time becoming louder and louder. Like church bells ringing right beside your ears. I brought my hands to my ears, trying to shield them from the painful sound.

'Alexandra!, Alexandra! You have freed us. Darkness comes now to the surface!!'

Not being able to hold it anymore, a painful scream escaped my lips. "Stop!!" ... Nothing seemed to work. Laughter, that once again pierced through my thick skull. My ears began to bleed by the loud noise. My knees hit the floor. I lowered myself, getting in a fetal position.

"Open your eyes, you have never seen something like this."

Not being able to resist, my eyes opened. The crows were flying in circles above me in the dark sky. My eyes widen, millions of them. All coming down like bullets to where I was lying. It was too late now, I couldn't close my eyes nor move from where I was.

As all of them came closer my back arched. I wasn't feeling them attack me. They all entered through the marking on my chest, as if it were some sort of portal to another unknown dimension. I couldn't breathe, my hands gripped the leafs on the floor along with branches.

It ended sooner than expected.


Breathless I opened my eyes. Angered filled my entire body. Without knowing who it was I grabbed someone hard by the neck. The heart monitor beeps went crazy. I felt as if I was drowning in that dream. The person grabbed my wrist, but whoever it was couldn't make me let go.

"Alex you're hurting me."

Everything became clear in that rightful moment. My eyes widen as soon as I saw Cassidy's red face. I let go immediately, but there was a bruise on her neck. Caused by me. She began coughing and my eyes got watery. I couldn't believe I have done such a thing.

"Cass... I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to..." My words were slurred. Her hazel orbs looked right at me. Her heart beat was racing up, though something in her eyes showed me that she was glad that I was awake. At this moment I didn't even want to go close to her. Afraid that I might hurt her again. She slowly came closer. I looked at my hands ashamed.

Her soft ones cupped my face, bringing it up to meet once again her lovely eyes. She rested her forehead against mine, I closed my watery eyes, enjoying her soft tender touch. I rested one of my hands on top of one of her own.

"I'm so glad that you are awake." Her voice was soft, just as sweet as her.

"I hurt you." I said back without opening my eyes.

"You were just scared." Why does she always do this? She never gets mad over anything. Here I am dying because I laid my hands on her in a bad way, and she is just calmed.

"Aren't you afraid that I would hurt you?" Our voices were coming out like soft velvet. Afraid that others would hear us, even though no body was around. My hand still haven't left hers and she still hasn't moved.

"You could never hurt me with the intention of doing so." I wasn't able to hold it in anymore. Cause somehow I felt guilty. I have hurt her. She just doesn't know it. All the emotions came to the surface, I was sobbing and she was holding me tight, without caring that her shirt was now getting drenched.

Soon the door was open. Everyone was staring at me like I was some sort of weird animal. With their mouths hanging open.
"They said that thanks to your genes you would wake up in a few days, not a few hours." Said Kylie surprised like a kid watching a magic show. It took me a few seconds to absorb her words. When finally realization hit me, I looked into Cassidy's eyes once again.

"How am I awake after that terrible accident?" She was lost for words. I looked at my arms and all the bruises, scratches, and cuts were gone. Everyone just stayed watching my every move. I lifted my gown not caring who was watching. The big cut I had by my left rib cage caused by a metal of the seat, was completely healed. My broken bones were as good as new. All that happened I remembered. Then the nightmare came to mind. I slowly pull down the fabric covering my chest. There was the spiral created by that girl. It wasn't as healed, but it didn't hurt.

I looked as if nothing ever happened to me. I looked up to see Cassidy, Kylie, Raven, Mark and Marcus there. Their eyes were huge in disbelief. Shock evident on their faces.

"I want to see my girl!!" Oh no that voice. My dad pushed everyone aside except for Cassidy of course. He had been crying. His eyes were puffy and red. He embraced me in a tight hug. He broke down crying. I hold onto him as well. Hearing him cry broke my heart. Maybe because this is the first time I have. At least not like this.

"I'm okay dad." I said softly. His eyes met mine. Soon they took me in. Realization came to him, after all, I didn't have a single scratch on my body.

"How?" Just like Cassidy he was out of words. I didn't know how to explain everything. He knows what Jules was and is. He doesn't know that I am the same as her. He didn't acknowledge Marcus standing by the door. Mark on the other hand was paler than usual. So many secrets, Jules did tell me that Mark is my twin. He is not sure though. I also don't believe that my dad knows about Mark.

"Dad... there is something I need to tell you."

Just when I was about to explain everyone cleared the way.

"Maybe is time for a family reunion Grayson."

My dad turned around to meet Jules intense eyes.

Well shit...

A.N>> Well this chapter wasn't as long. Probably the others will. Things might change. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. Sorry for the errors.

Lots of love, Karie.

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