"You can explain this?" Isaac looked over his shoulder to her, able to hear Winnie's heartbeat sky rocket. "How the hell can you explain this?"

"In length." Winnie twitched in pain, the movements of her hand out of her control.

Isaac looked from the drawings in her closet to Winnie. "What's wrong with your hand?"

"I, uh," Winnie glanced down to it, her fingers curled inwards as it shook. "Please, Isaac just listen." She held up her other hand, able to sense his unease. "I'm not dangerous."

"Something gives me the feeling that's not completely true." Isaac motioned to the closet, "What the hell is that in there?"

Winnie's legs nearly gave out from the pain, her eyes squeezing shut. "I'll explain, just give me a second." Unable to take it, she went to her desk and quickly opened her sketch pad and grabbed a charcoal pencil from the vase she kept them in.

On edge, Isaac went over to her as Winnie's shaking hand moved violently along the page. "What the-" He angled himself, looking to Winnie. 

The girl's eyes looked vacant; glazed over as she drew with talent Isaac had never seen before.

Isaac's head shot up, an inhuman wail echoing across the town. His eyes were wide, "What the-" he looked to Winnie's drawing and then to her.

Winnie dropped the pencil, walking away from his gaze and beginning to pace her room.

Isaac narrowed his eyes at the drawing, a girl kneeled on ice with a wolfsbane flower in front of her as her mouth was open. "Is that Lydia?"

"You should go."

"You're kidding, right?" Isaac held a bizarre look. "All of this, and you're saying I should leave without an explanation?"

"Yes, yes that is exactly what I'm saying." She took the drawing from him only to get her wrist grabbed. "Isaac-"

"Winnie, come on," Isaac said as he held on to her but without much force. "How did you do all of these? How do you know any of it?"

"I just draw it, I don't know." Winnie pulled a little, trying to get her hand free. "I don't control it."

Isaac's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said. Please, I'm not a bad guy."

Isaac let go, "What are you?"

"I'm not doing anything, I just have a talent. It's-" she glanced to her bookshelf, "look, have you ever read a book called 'The Shining'? It's a classic, by Stephen King."

Isaac shook his head, "No, but I think I saw the movie. I don't really remember."

"How about this?" Winnie went past Isaac, opening the top of her dresser underneath her tv. "I've already had a really long day and I need to go to sleep without a werewolf in my room." She held out a copy of The Shining to him, "Watch it lightly, then come find me the next time Derek lets you off the leash."

"You're mean when you're cranky," Isaac said with a light laugh as he took the movie from her.

"I'm mean when a werewolf interrogates me in the middle of the night," she before she offered a smile. "What way are you leaving? Pool roof or would you like me to walk you downstairs? Front door is always nice, unless you want to try the window."

"Is your dad going to see me?" he asked as he glanced over his shoulder towards the door.

"No, you'll be fine." Winnie went out first, having him follow her. Checking around, she went down the stairs quietly.

The Shining ¥ Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now