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"Spencer Jade Daniel, born August 2, 2014." I read off to Ella and Jackson as we sat in my bedroom.

It's Saturday. My dad had to go to New York until this coming Wednesday. My brothers are at my grandparents for the weekend to go camping and my mom had some business in London she has to take care of with some patients. So, I'm watching Spencer for the weekend.

"How is she taking all of this, Emma?" Jackson asked me as he leaned against my pillows.

"She won't let anyone else hold or feed her," I answered him as I looked into the baby monitor.

She was still sleeping, so I turned my attention back to the two teenagers sitting in front of me. I sighed, going through some more of her papers.

"More importantly," Ella spoke, "how are you taking this?"

"They abandoned her just like they did me. I'm pissed about it to be honest," I said, "I know they are dead for some reason I don't know, but they could've protected themselves better, especially since they had a baby."

"I agree," Jackson said, "but they left her in the care of your parents. They chose the best people to take care of her."

I sighed and heard her start crying. I got up and ran across the hall, opening the door and walking over to the crib.

"Hi baby," I cooed as she looked at me with tears still streaming down her small cheeks, "don't cry. You're okay, Emma's here."

I held her close to me and picked up her blanket, wrapping it around her. I walked across the hall and motioned Jackson and El to follow me downstairs so we can continue talking while I feed her.

They followed me to the kitchen and I spoke, "Jackson, hold her?"

His eyes grew wide and he stuttered, "Are you sure?"

I smiled, "Yes J. She'll be fine, c'mere."

He walked over and I laid her body in his, which made her cry.

"Holy shit, what did I do?" He asked in a panic.

"Readjust her so her head is on your chest, where your heart is. I've read where it helps newborn babies all the way up to 1 year olds," I said.

Ella walked over to him and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, then fixed her head. She grew quiet and started cooing at Jackson and he took a breath and smiled at the baby.

I finished making the bottle and asked if he wanted me to hold her. All he did was hold a hand out for the bottle and looked up at me, "I can do it."

I gave him the bottle and he fed my sister. Ella and I watched him as he watched her in awe.

"You can quit staring at me," he said as he looked up at us.

"You're cute," I said as I walked over and kissed him before taking the empty bottle away from his hand.

"You're cuter," he called back to me, which made me blush.


"How is Spencer?"

"Fine daddy. She's doing well. Jackson and Ella are here helping me with her. She's asleep right now."

"Good job love. I miss you."

"I miss you too daddy."

"Do you think it would be okay if your cousins came back with us? Hadley Rose and Tanner and Ethan flew in to see us since they have yet to start school."

"Oh my god, of course!"

"Good, because they should be there soon. Their flight landed about twenty minutes ago."

"Daddy! I look like shit and you didn't tell me they were coming?"

He laughed, "I'm sure you look fine, love. Have fun, I'll call tomorrow."

I hung up and ran upstairs to my bedroom to change into something more decent. I made my way into Spencer's room and I stopped in the door way.

Jackson was asleep in her rocking chair and Spencer was laying on his chest, the same as she was before except he had no shirt on. I quickly took a picture and heard the doorbell ring.

I shut the door and ran down the stairs, Ella almost beating me to it. I opened the door and Hadley Rose hugged me tightly.

"I missed you," she said into my shoulder.

"I've missed you," I answered.

I looked at Ethan and he smiled his fathers famous smile and hugged me tightly, "Hey Hemmings."

"Hey Styles," I smiled as he let go and I hugged Tanner.

"Ella, meet my cousins. Hadley Rose Horan, Tanner Payne, and Ethan Styles. There's many more, they just aren't here. Cousins, meet Ella, my best friend," I said as she waves to them.

"Your dad told us about Spencer," Ethan spoke, "we're sorry. Can we see her?"

I nodded and they followed me upstairs to her room. I quietly opened the door and Jackson hadn't moved an inch.

"Who is he?" Ethan asked me quietly.

"My boyfriend," I answered as I walked over. I carefully took Spencer from his chest and he stirred awake.

"Go lay in my bed sweet pea," I whispered to him as he nodded, standing up and grabbing his shirt.

They let him through and he went to my room and shut the door.

"This," I spoke,"is my sister Spencer Jade. Who wants to hold her?"


okay, so i have a question to ask. i really want to make stories based off of disney movies, but with a small change and my own stuff added in with 5sos and maybe one direction. but, should i do it on this profile or should i make another one? please help me on this, it's something that i really want to do. i will still update on this profile, if you are wondering that. just please, let me know if this is something i should consider doing.

Life As A Hemmings (sequel to ABLH)Where stories live. Discover now