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"What? He was talking shit about you! What was I supposed to do Emma?"

Andrew and I are currently arguing about him getting suspended. Jackson finds it amusing and Mason and Ryder and Dylan are confused on what 'suspended' means.

"Not beat the living shit out of him!" I spoke weakly, "I appreciate it so much Andrew, I do. But we've been through this before, I have to wait it out. Eventually it will be okay."

"I just don't want you to do what you did again," he sighed under his breath.

"It won't," I spoke grabbing my cousins hand, "it will not happen again. I don't know why I did it in the first place. Cutting myself was stupid and it shouldn't have happened."

He nodded, getting up and going upstairs. Probably to play Xbox in my room. I sighed, throwing my head against the couch as Jacksons hand rubbed my thigh.

"It's alright love," he whispered, "don't fret over this."

"I worry about him," I blurted out as I heard the boys leave, "what if he's depressed? He's the closest thing I've got. Dylan and I have separated and it's awful, I can't loose him too."

"He's not going anywhere, go tell him how you feel. I've got school, I'll text you later," he spoke as he kissed my cheek and gathered the boys and took them to school with him.

I got up, still feeling awful, and going upstairs to find Andrew laying in my bed playing COD.

I walk over and lay down next to him, "I worry about you."

He paused the game, "You worry about me?"

I nodded, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know," he sighed, "i cry a lot."

"Have you told your parents?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "No, too scared. Is it normal for a 15 year old to be in depression?"

It hurt me to hear those words come from his mouth. My cousin in depression?

"I don't know, but I'm calling Uncle Calum and you're talking to him," I spoke.

He never answered, he just un paused the game and continued to play. I rise from the bed, grabbing my phone and going downstairs to call him.


"Uncle Calum?"

"Yes sweets, what's wrong?"

"It's Andrew. There's a problem."

"What's wrong?" He asked in a panic.

"I think he's depressed. He told me he cries a lot and he beat the living shit out of Eric Andrews for making fun of me while I've been sick. He got suspended until Monday Uncle Cal."

"Did he win?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, now be concerned for your son."

"Emma Grace, what can I do? I'm in America, and I can't come home."

"Just talk to him, please?"

"Okay, I'll call him. I'll get your father to call you in a minute, I know you miss him."

"Thank you Uncle Calum, I love you."

"I love you too darling."

A few minutes after that, my dad called me.


"You're sick and didn't call me?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

Life As A Hemmings (sequel to ABLH)Where stories live. Discover now