She closed her eyes, and sighed in content.

"No I'm not okay."

I frown. "What do you mean?"

The big brown orbs revealed themselves to me, "You're not supposed to make me feel this way."

"What way?"

"So good," her voice turned into a soft whisper. "When I'm with you Lauren, I feel like I'm on top of the world. You make me feel so beautiful just by looking at me."

My heart skips a beat.

"Really?" I dumbly ask as I smile shyly.

She nods, "I want to try Lauren."

"Y-you want to try and.. be... with me?" I stutter as she leans closer to my face.

"Yes," her nose brushes against mine. "I can't stay away from you anymore."

Her minty breath fans over my face, the brown eyes dart from my lips then up to my eyes as she pulls back.

"Have you been drinking?"

"I had one beer an hour or two ago," she sighs. "I'm not drunk I promise."

"You smell," Camila giggles at me.

I blush. She's pretty much telling me that I have bad breath.

"I will go brush my teeth then," I said sitting up.

"No wait," she pulls me back down. "I don't mind."

We face each other again.

"Is this real?" my hand touching her face again.

"I was just thinking the same thing."

I lean in closer to her face our noses brush, "I like you Camila. I have for some time now."

"I like you too Lauren."

"Are we really gonna try and be together?"

She nods, "Only if you want to."

"I really want to."

There is nothing I want more than to kiss her right now and claim her mine. But there's a part of me that's afraid. What if tomorrow she changes her mind and goes back to ignoring me again? I wouldn't be able to deal with the pain of that.

"You don't have to be afraid, Lauren." She leans in kissing the corner of my lips. "Take a chance with me. I won't hurt you again, I made dumb mistakes by trying to ignore these feelings for you and I ended up hurting you in the process. And I'm so sorry for that Lauren. But please just take a chance."

I didn't give her a worded response, I gave it in a kiss. I pressed my lips on hers, Camila let out a small moan at the contact while both hands cupped my cheeks pulling me closer. This kiss was soft and sweet, there was no tongue like our other kisses had before, just sweet and full of what I think love is suppose to feel like.

She pulled away a shy smile on her face, "Is that a yes?"

I nod pressing my lips on hers again.

(I was gonna end it here but I love you...)

I woke up refreshed and relaxed, and most of all happy. Opening my eyes, I saw Camila's head resting on my chest and her arms wrapped around my waist.

Last night had probably been the best night of my life. It started off a little depressing and sad because Camila and I hadn't been talking at all, then a little bit better when Devon came over and I got to shoot Austin with fireworks, then it ended perfectly with me and Camila deciding give us a shot and sealed the deal with a kiss followed by a bunch of other kisses.

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