Chapter 13: The Execution

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"My second question," Tim continued.
"If every other person on your team besides you fails to execute the mission, are you all up to it?" Said Tim.
They all nodded. "Ok." Said Tim. "Now I have something to show you." He continued. Tim bent down, and opened the drawer of his desk. He pulled out what looked like a super high tech flash drive. "This contains the cure to the virus. All you have to do is disable RuPERT for a minute, and climb to the top of his head. The port for this drive is up there. Plug this in and he'll be okay in about five minutes. Use those five minutes to evacuate to the streets. If you find a single survivor, take them with you. Tell them that they have to get somewhere safe, just incase the cure doesn't work.
I have just told you all the battle plan. This is your plan of execution. Do you all understand completely?" Said Tim. "Yes." Said Braden. The rest of them said Yes consecutively. Tim raised his brow at them, as if he was analyzing them for sincerity. Tim then handed the flash drive to Braden, who put it safely into his pocket. Then he said, "Okay. Follow me."

Tim took them all to the around the place. It was as if they were going through a maze. On their way, Tim explained more of what they were to do. "I'm taking you to the teleportation room. There I have capsules, much like your time capsules, that can teleport you anywhere that isn't electronically blocked off. So here's the thing. RuPERT's little "castle" is electronically blocked off. I can only teleport you outside the building. All that I know for sure is that RuPERT is inside; I dont know where or what room. You'll just have to explore. Anyway, there may be guards of some kind outside and inside. Destroy anything that gets in your way." Said Tim. A moment later, they reached the teleportation room. "Ah. We're here." Said Tim, as he opened two, giant, steel doors, revealing a small room with four capsules. There was a desk near the door, with many drawers. Tim opened one of them, and picked out four 45 caliber pistols. "Ok. Here's what you'll use. This is you're protection. I'll provide each of you with a spare magazine." Said Tim, handing them the guns. He then opened another drawer and got out four spare magazines, filled with bullets. "Ok. Here you are. Now, get in." Said Tim, giving them the magazines and signaling for them to get into the capsules. They obeyed, and got into the teleportation devices. The capsules were like glass showers, in the shape of a circle. The door was unnoticeable when shut; it was glass, yet was almost invisible when shut. On the desk was a control panel with countless amounts of buttons. After they all got in, Tim shut their doors. He then went over to the control panel and typed in the coordinates of the place they needed to go. Then, finally, he pressed a button labeled Teleport. This was it. It was time to go get the big robo-tyrant. Braden looked at his hands. The second Tim pressed that button, Braden heard a whistle-like noise. He felt something strange on his hand. He looked at his left hand. By the second, huge clusters of molecule started fly up and evaporating. Them, before he knew it, his whole left and right hand were gone, followed by his arms. Then by his head, then his chest, and finally, his legs and feet. Did he just die?
No. He only teleported. It's time, thought Braden. It's time to draw some oil.

Just like that, Braden was materialized into thin air. In front of him, Tristan, Kendall and Brent stood a giant facility. It looked exactly like the White House, but it was all made of steel. It looked just like a cyborg's White House.
"Well? Should we go?" Said Braden. "Yeah. We'd better get moving." Said Tristan. They all ran towards the building. There wasn't much of a front door; just a giant archway. They all ran into the building. Not looking back.
They ran down a long hallway, with several twists and turns. There was no one in there. Braden wondered where they all were. After about half an hour of searching, they found it. A tall, wide door with the words, RuPERT, on it. This was it. No going back.
They all have each other reassuring glances. Although Braden and Kendall's "reassuring" glance . . . No.  Their "reassuring" stare lasted a bit longer than the other ones. Braden still couldn't decided wether he liked her. Oh well. Now wasn't the time for love advice.
Tristan pushed the doors wide open. Inside was a room identical to the room in the simulation the did. The only thing different was, surprisingly, RuPERT. He didn't have large abs and pecs, with the far of a skull. His abdomen consisted of exposed wires, and his head was a steel sphere with a blue, robotic eye in the center. They all walked up to RuPERT.
"Hello, friends!" Said RuPERT. His voice wasn't deep and intimidating at all, it was just the opposite. Frail and synthesized.
"I am RuPERT, your cyber king. How may I be of assistance to you?" Said RuPERT.
Okay. Something had to be off. This was weird. RuPERT didn't seem bad at all. Then he remembered. RuPERT was supposed to be extremely manipulative. This must've been a part of his plan. Braden glanced at each one of his teammates, and said, "Now!"
Then it began.
They all started climbing RuPERT, to the top of his head.
"What? What are you doing?!" Said RuPERT. "Alright. Have it your way, savages. Initiating security sequence."
Said RuPERT.
Uh oh. This is not good.
Suddenly, multiple amounts of turrets emerged from the walls, and fired aimlessly at the four of them. Tristan climbed faster. Braden wasn't that far up. He only had gotten about twenty feet off the ground. That wasn't too far, considering RuPERT's height consisted of fifty feet. Braden was climbing, when a bullet hit him in the leg. Than another. Immediately, he heard the others' cries of pain. They'd been hit as well. "Braden!!" Yelled Tristan crazily. Braden looked up, only to realize Tristan was at the top. "Throw it to me!" Said Tristan.
Braden immediately stuck his hands into his pockets, and pulled out the flash drive. Chucked it up at Tristan as hard as he could, hoping it'd go up the rest of the fifty feet. And sure enough, it did. And Tristan caught it. Tristan searched around the top of RuPERT's head.
There it was.
Smack in the middle of his head, was the flash-drive port. Tristan plugged in the drive, and instantly, the turrets fell down, and RuPERT deactivated. Just as RuPERT fell to the ground, they all hopped of, avoiding getting squished. "Downloading all downloadable content from CureDrive." Said RuPERT.
Yes! They did it! They executed the mission! "Guys, let's get out of here!" Said Braden. They all ran to the front entrance with haste.
But the second they got there, things got grim. And none of them ever saw this coming. A crowd of about a thousand people were stationed outside the White House.
A police officer came up to Braden the second he stepped outside. The man was tall, and looked as if he was in his fifties. "Hello, sir. I'm special agent Jared Hawking. What were you doing in there?" Said the officer. "We were saving your butts from that cyber-terrorist. That's what." Said Braden. "Cyber terrorist?" Said Jared. "Who are you working for?" Jared continued. "Timothy. . . Ugh. I forgot his last name." Said Braden. Jared's look hardened. "Timothy VanBuran?" Jared asked. "Yes! That's it." Braden replied. Jared's look was appalling now. "The Timothy VanBuran?" Jared asked again. "Yes, and what do you mean the Timothy VanBuran?" Braden asked. Jared pulled a folded up price of paper out of his pocket. He unfolded it and placed it in Braden's hands.
What was written on it shocked Braden.
On it was a picture of Tim. It read,

Timothy VanBuran

The next line made Braden appalled.


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