Chapter 16: The Reunion

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This was just what Braden wanted.
To defeat the real threat, face to face.
"Go back inside the police department. I'll take care of this traitor." Said Braden. Tristan and Brent went back inside, while Kendall stood, giving Braden a look of concern. "I said go." Braden repeated. Kendall backed up slowly, while glaring at Tim. Soon, everyone was absent.
Everyone except Tim and Braden.
"A nice little reunion." Said Tim.
"You have no idea." Braden replied.
Braden's hands went to his holster, and found his gun.
All in one movement, Braden pulled out his gun, and fired at Tim, shooting him in the abdomen. Tim let out a cry of pain, and Braden felt a twinge of satisfaction. Then Tim's cries turning into laughter.
Braden decided to take the rest of this victory for his fists.
Braden walked toward Tim, and they broke into battle.
Braden lunged a punch, and Tim blocked it, consecutively punching Braden in the nose with great force. Braden fell to the ground. He was pretty sure his nose was broken.
Tim stood up. "What? Did you think me to be an incapable old man?" Asked Tim. "I'm really going to enjoy killing you." Tim continued. Braden was furious. He stood up, and punched Tim in the chest, and Tim blocked and counterattacked Braden in the face. Braden used his other hand to block Tim's counterattack, and head butted Tim in the forehead.
Tim fell to the ground.
This is it, thought Braden.
Braden crouched down, pulled out his gun, and aimed it fixedly at Tim's head. Braden wasn't that far from Tim's face as it was. "I hope you've made the most of you're life. Because if you waste life, it'll waste you. Now, wether you wasted your life or not, you're gonna die." Said Braden.
Then, it happened. Braden cocked his gun, and was ready to fire. Right then, Braden realized they were sitting right next to a power box. Tim put his cyber hand on the box, and immediately, electricity filled his arms.
Right when Braden was gonna shoot, Tim released what must have been several volts of electricity, causing Braden to fly backwards and hit the wall of the police department.
Flames and rubble from RuPERT's fall were the only illumination in the black night. When Braden was hit with electricity, he felt like a thousand little fingers forcefully poked him in the ribs.
He wasn't certain when he was electrocuted, but once he hit the wall, he was.
His ribs were broken.
Still, Braden found it in himself to stand. After all, if Tim could do that with his cyber hand, so could Braden.
Braden quickly put his cyber hand on a lamppost near him, and tried sucking the electricity with his hand.
And sure enough, it worked.
Braden could visually see electricity flowing into his hand like water.
Soon enough, his hand was a glowing light sphere, filled with electricity.
Braden slowly walked up to Tim.
"Y'know, Timmy? I'm a quick learner," Said Braden, as Tim gave him a smug look. Tim was now on his feet, and was ready to counteract Braden's attack.
"So I'd be careful what you choose to teach me." Said Braden, as he hurled a ball of electricity towards Tim, and Tim stuck out his cyber hand, and embraced the electric shock. Somehow, Tim sucked the electricity that Braden had shot at him into his cyber hand, and immediately started walking towards Braden. Tim remained silent, as he got closer. Braden clenched his left fist, leaving his cyber hand open to embrace the electricity. "The job is done, Braden. No hard feelings." Said Tim as he placed his hand on Braden's heart, and electrocuted him. Braden's body always shocked, but he still managed to punch Tim in the jaw with astounding force. Tim let out a cry of pain, and hurled a counterattack punch at Braden's chest. Braden fell back in shock of the blow, and swept Tim off his feet with his legs. Tim hit the ground.
This whole battle was a blur to the both of them.
Then Braden got an idea.
While Tim was lying on the ground, Braden put his hand on Tim's chest, and sucked all of the energy out of Tim.

Tim lied there. Lifeless looking.
Braden then injected the electricity back into Tim, shocking his nervous system. I've got him now, thought Braden. Tim jolted in shock. "You did not failed to disappoint me, Braden. I must say." Tim said, as he stood up, and ran to a transformer box. He placed his hand on it, and sucked in what must have been at least a hundred volts of electricity. Tim's body was glowing white. Even his eyes had lost all color. They were glowing white with electricity. He then walked over to RuPERT's metal corpse. "But I can't say that I'm particularly proud." Said Tim, as he sent hundreds of volts into RuPERT, activating the robot once again.

RuPERT stood onto his feet. He looked very damaged. "I can't say I particularly love you for what you did to me, Braden Vyne." Said RuPERT, as he shot an electric blast at Braden. Braden caught it in his cyber hand, and held onto it.
Suddenly, Braden was taken aback.
This was a lot of electricity to hold, and Braden wasn't sure he could do it.
It seemed like the more electricity he held, the slower he was. In movement in general.
Braden strived to run.
But he couldn't. Tim could handle electricity better than him, and if Braden released it, Tim would counteract.
If Tim counteracted, Braden was doomed. This was awful.
Just awful. RuPERT shot another bolt at him, and Braden caught it.
Now he was moving extra slow.
Like a snail.
The electricity had an astonishing weight aspect to it. It was like five pounds per volt.
And then it happened.
A noise in the distance was heard.
And it got increasingly louder every second. And it got louder fast.
Which meant it was moving fast.
"Haha. Here's my ride, Brady." Said Tim. Braden remembered when he completed his last solo test, and he got so mad because a man he knew nothing about had called him Brady. Now he was fuming, because that same man that he now knows everything about called him Brady.
Life worked out weird, huh.
Then, a rope fell out of the black night sky. Tim grabbed it, and RuPERT activated his rockets and flew upwards.
Now was the time.
Tim was climbing the rope.
Now was his chance.
Braden expelled every volt of electricity out of his body, and towards Tim.
Braden got lucky, because he hit Tim right in the back, knocking him off the rope. Tim looked dead, but Braden could tell he was breathing a little still.
Braden thought he had him, when RuPERT fell back down, scooped
Tim into his right hand, and said, "You shall never defeat the master. He has revived me."
"Remember, Braden Vyne. The cyber age is near. Never forget it." Said RuPERT, as he flew upward at a high speed.
Braden looked up.
Now he could see it, because they had turned on the headlights.
Right above Washington, D.C., hovered the mothership from their simulation.

The Cyber AgeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz