Chapter 5: The First Attempt (Part 2)

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"Are you always going to be that one guy, Tristan?" Said Braden. Tristan let out a laugh; his chuckle slowly decayed. Kendall let out a small snort. "Now that you mention it, I usually am." Said Tristan. "He is." Kendall confirmed, putting emphasis on the is. Her and Tristan broke in to quite laughter.

Braden didn't think any of it was funny. In fact, he was furious. "Why are you laughing? This is not at all funny!" Said Braden. Kendall force-stopped her laughter, turning on her sass mode. "Oh, lighten up, mister. It's not like it's the end of the world. We can just try again if we fail, which I'm pretty sure we've achieved. Anyone want to do the honors of waking me up?" Said Kendall.

Braden was confused by the wake me up part. "I'd love to." Said Tristan; Braden got his word in, "Woah, woah, wait. What do you mean 'wake you up?'" Said Braden. Kendall rubber her head, and sighed. "I've been trying to be nice, Braden, but Timmy really let you have it with that memory wipe. Do you remember anything?" Said Kendall.

Braden gave her an annoyed look. Again, it wasn't his fault that he lost his memory. He was getting really ticked that people kept taking jabs at him about it. Kendall sighed reluctantly, preparing to explain. "If Tristan kills me I come out of simulation." Said Kendall.

Braden scoffed, taken aback by her attitude. He didn't want to restart and try again. That was absurd! "It would be nice if we could do it the first time, you know. We've almost been here a week!" Said Braden. The Kendall and Tristan broke into quiet, suppressed laughter again.

"Braden, when you come out of a simulator, it feels like a dream. All the time that passed in the simulator feels like a few minutes worth." Said Tristan. "Oh." Said Braden. Kendall's laughter got louder. "I probably should have known that." He continued. Kendall and Tristan broke into loud laughter now-- wait, Braden heard three people laughing this time.

"Is Brent here too?" Said Braden. Brent cleared his throat. "You didn't come back. I said I would come and try and find you if you didn't come back in hour or two." Said Brent. Braden sighed out all the air in his lungs. Okay, that was fair. But now they were all stuck in a cell.

"Man, Brent. You were our last chance." Said Braden. Brent scoffed. "I told you I'd come to find you if you didn't come back! Not my fault you were overpowered by some guard." Said Brent. Braden was just done now. "Turn on the lights." Said Braden, apathetically. Brent got up and turned them on.

Braden was amazed that they could just automatically do that without feeling around for it. He guessed they'd just done it enough times. Or maybe they had cat eyes. They seemed to be in a room designed like a cup, almost. They were at the bottom of a very small in width, yet very tall, stone cylinder.

The floor of the cell was about ten feet in diameter, and the height was about thirty-two feet. There has to be some way out, Braden thought. After all, Timothy wouldn't  make an unescapable trap. Well, Braden hoped he wouldn't. That'd be rude.

"Tell you guys what. Let's just sit here, and think up something that will get us out of here." Said Brent. Kendall groaned. "We've done that like six freaking times. There is no way out!" Said Kendall. She could be right. Timothy might have designed an inescapable trap.

Their best chance right now was probably that their fairy godmothers were gonna come fly 'em out. Anything else was less believable. "We can still try, Kendall." Said Brent. Kendall reluctantly sighed, tilting her head back. "Okay. I guess." She replied. Tristan groaned at her response.

He was sick of thinking; he was ready to get out. They all were, just some more than others. Kendall and Tristan had been in there for nearly a week, but thinking of a way out was their only chance now. So they decided to wait. And they thought. They thought for hours.

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