We started dancing in sync. "You wanna get out of here and do something else." I smirked at her.

She nodded and I have Khalil a look and they nodded. I grabbed there hand going in the back were our rented cars were. I got a yellow Lamborghini and Khalil got a red one.

"What's your name?" I asked while walking towards the car.

"Chantel." She smiled at me.

"Nice." I nodded.

"Can I drive?" She asked.


We all got in the cars and then, the girls decided they wanted to race... So why not right it's like 2 o'clock in the morning.

We started racing for a bit. And I decided it was time to stop. I then got behind the wheel... And guess what happend, I got pulled over.


Hold this and stand straight.. Look at the camera." He said sternly. I held the sign looking into the camera.


I turned to the side holding the sign. And he asked me to turn to the other side I did so.

"Now, I need you to hand over any of your personal belongs." He said grabbing the sign and holding a grey container?" I sighed before taking off all my jewelry and handing over my phone. He then handed me a orange jumpsuit.

I changed and then He led me towards a bus with now a group of men. I sighed walking on the bus. "Ooh, look guys it's Mr. Justin Bieber." A guy said pointing at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"QUIET INMATE!" The officer yelled.

Making them all shut up. I sighed before feeling the bus move. The ride was quiet, too quiet. It wasn't the peaceful silence either.. "EVERYONE UP! TRY ANYTHING AND YOU WILL BE TASED." The officer yelled as we all started to walk off the bus.

"This is stupid." I mumbled.

"GOT SOMETHING TO SAY BIEBER!" The officer yelled in my face.

"Yeah, actually I do.... Can you stop spitting in my face, it's really unsanitary."" I rolled my eyes and the other inmates started laughing.

"Ooh, looks like Bieber got a mouth, well listen here pretty boy. Your looks aren't going to get you anywhere in here! SO I SUGGEST YOU STOP TALKING AND KEEP IT MOVING BEFORE I PUT YOU IN THE HOLE." He yelled once again spitting in my face.

I just shook my head walking in. "INMATE 5619023!" Other officer yelled I looked down and it was my number... Great.

"Oh Mr. Bieber... Let's go your going with me." He smirked.

They unchained me from my lower half and he roughly grabbed my arm pushing me into the prison making a whole bunch of grown men start banging on the cells. "AYE PRETTY BOY!" One of them yelled.

"You gonna be sleeping in my bed tonight!" Another one of them yelled.

"LOOKS LIKE WE GOT A GOOD ONE HERE BOYS!" Another one of them yelled.

He threw me on the ground taking off my cuffs before handing me the stuff for my cell. "Cell 1478" is yours.

He said pointing. I grabbed my stuff before walking towards me hearing all theses guys whistle at me. I walked towards me cell placing everything in there before I heard someone. "What are you doing in my cell pretty boy."

"This is my cell." I told him back.

"Excuse me?" He muttered coming close to me.

"They assigned me this, cell therefore its mine." I said now getting up.

"Ooooh. Pretty boy gots some mouth on him huh boys." He laughed lowly before next thing you know his fist collided with my jaw making me groan.

I swong back hitting him and it became a full out brawl it turned into 1-1... To 1-5. They punched me, kicked me, everything in there power to keep me down. "AYE! AYE! Break it up!" The cop said coming back into the cell with other cop.

"Everyone back to there cells!" He yelled making everyone leave even that other guy except one of them.

I groaned spitting blood into the toilet. I heard the cell slam shut. "Here." One the dudes handed me a paper towel.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"First day?" He asked. I nodded.

"It's always rough on the first day.."

"No kidding." I groaned.

"Why are you in here, you don't seem like the type to be in jail?"

"Drag racing, driving under the influence with a suspended drivers license...plus other stuff I rather not get into right now... What about you?" I asked wiping off the excess blood.

"Shot, they guy who my wife was cheating on me with... Then I shot my wife." He said with no emotion.

"Oh." I said not knowing what to say....

He nodded.

"What's your name?"


"The names Chase." He said smiling.

"BIEBER! You got a visitor." The officer said. I looked in the mirror seeing my face now bruises over it with dried up blood. I sighed before he rechained me walking towards the visitors room.

HEY LOVELIES! SORRY FOR THE WAIT... I'm on vacation right now! But I wanted to post something for you guys? BUT PART 2? Or no.. 😂😂❤️ COMMENT BELOW

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now