“Okay guys. Here’s the plan.” Parker announced, getting our attention. “Hayden will change his lip rings and put on this. (Make polyvore) It should make him slightly unrecognisable, or at least just help him blend.” Parker through the hat, t-shirt, and jeans at him.

“Jacob you are going to have to wear your contacts, and this.”He threw a tight fitted blue, long sleeve shirt. “Just wear the pants your wearing, they’re fine. Do you have your contacts with you?” I nodded my head. “Good.”

“What about me?” Rage whined childishly.

“You can wear Kyles beanie, this sweater, and these jeans.” (Make polyvore) Parker pulled Kyles beanie of his head and threw it at him along with the sweater and jeans.

“This is Bree’s sweater.” He said seriously as he looked at it. He looked as if had never been so insulted.

“Actually it’s mine. She took it from me while we were dating.” Parker clarified, sounding fairly annoyed. Rage opened his mouth to make some kind of comment, but Parker shot him a glare.

“As for you Kyle, you just going to throw together an outfit and wear sunglasses.” Parker finished giving us orders. We all changed into assigned outfit, I put my contacts in, and Hayden put his clear labrets in.

“Okay, one last mirror check.” Parker instructed walking over to the big mirror in the room. We all looked fairly not like ourselves, which was good.

“I need fake glasses.” Parker decided after a moment. He quickly grabbed a pair out of the dresser and then looked at us. “Let’s do this guys.”

We all walked casually to the elevator, and hit the down arrow. “Any plans?” I asked nobody in particular.

“Well we can’t all walk in at once.” Hayden pointed out.

“Good point. I say we all walk in around 2 minutes apart. Jacob you go first.” Kyle said looking me straight in the eye. I nodded my head.

Rage spoke up next, “I say we all just kind of hang out around the room, play pool maybe. We cannot make it look to obvious.”

“Good plan. Now everyone, go look natural.” Parker ordered. We all nodded and walked out of the elevator. I took one last look at the guys before walking shyly into the lounge room. I headed straight for the book shelf. I didn’t want to look really obvious and sit beside them just staring into space, so I decided a book was the best way to go. I grabbed “The Horrors: Book One”. I swiftly moved so I was near Bree and Clayton, but not close enough for them to be suspicious.

“Okay Clay, Tell me about your favourite memory. It can be anything you want it to be, just be descriptive.” Bree’s voice filled my ears. She sounded happy.

“I think my favourite memory would have to be when I was 14. Me and my friends went to our first concert.  We had such a good time, it was an Escape the Fate concert. We went by ourselves, so we didn’t have any damn parents to tell us what to do, or to kill our fun.” I could hear the smile in Clayton’s voice. It almost sickened me.

“At that time I was really into playing guitar, I still am but more then than now.” He continued.

“My brother’s really into guitar too.” Bree randomly added. Clayton didn’t say anything, so I assumed he just nodded his head or something.

“Anyway, at that concert Bryan Monte gave me his guitar. He even sighed it. I have it hung in my dorm. I keep that thing absolutely protected. If anyone even laid a finger on that guitar, I’d probably cut their balls off.”

Bree continued to write everything he said down. She was actually really taking this project seriously. Hayden and I sure weren’t. The questions were really random, and my answers were really pointless, but extremely funny.

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