We'll Miss You

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Roxanne's pov.
I couldn't register it in my brain.


...was gone forever?

I'd never be able to hear her voice , or hug her, or hold her hand, or kiss her ever again...

Why did Eric have to shoot her?

"Do you guys know why Eric shot her in the first place?" I asked Callum and Nessa.

"...Because she was the one who... stole the serum," Nessa answered.

"Robin wouldn't do that!" I objected.

"She did," Callum said. "We're not sure why though."

Exactly. Why would Robin steal the serum? She wouldn't, unless she was forced to. But forced by who?

All these questions were annoying me. I had to get rid of them. One way would be finding out the answers but, seeing as Robin had just died, that wasn't going to happen...

I decided that if Robin left this world, so did I.

"Do either of you have a gun?" I asked.

"No, why?" Callum asked.

"Roxanne, don't tell me you're going to-" Nessa started.

I interrupted her by nodding my head. "I'm sorry guys, I just can't..."

And I ran off.

Straight into Eric.

"Ahh hello there Roxanne. I don't know whether you heard, but I killed your little girlfriend. And now it's time for you to follow her."

He pointed the gun in my face and I didn't object. He pulled the trigger and...

Nessa's pov.
I heard another gunshot, and this time it was nearer.


But as we ran to where the sound came from, we saw that Roxanne didn't shoot herself, Eric did.

Was he some kind of murder-crazed weirdo? How did I date this guy?

He pointed the gun at me and Callum again, but before he could pull the trigger, Four came over.

"What is going on?" he asked. "Why is Roxanne on the floor?"

"She's dead," Callum spat. "Eric killed her."

"What?!" Four cried. "Eric, is this true?"

"He," Eric spat back.

"He killed Robin too," I added.

Four looked disgusted. "Eric why did you do this?"

"Robin stole the serum," Eric said. "She deserved it. And Roxanne... I don't know, I just wanted to kill her."

Four was speechless. "We'll talk about this later Eric," he managed to say.


We held a funeral for Robin and Roxanne and pretty much everyone in Dauntless turned up.

Callum was asked to say the eulogy. I'd been asked to say it with him, but I was crying so much that I could barely speak.

"I have known Roxanne since we were both born, and she has been one of the best friends I could have. She's been supportive, and also one of the only people who didn't judge me for choosing Dauntless. We managed to get through initiation together and I've valued every moment since then. I haven't known Robin as long, but for the time that she was my friend, she seemed an amazingly sweet and kind girl. I hoped that she and Roxanne would be happy together while they were alive, and I hope that they will be happy together wherever they are now. Roxanne and Robin, we'll miss you."

By this time, I was bawling and practically lying on the floor.


A few days later, Four wanted to "speak to us".

When we went to see him, we saw that Eric and Max where there too.

"Callum, we heard that you have been having fights with Eric," Max said in quite a scary tone.

"Yes," Callum sighed.

"Well, Callum, I'm sorry but we have decided that you have to leave Dauntless," Four continued.

"What?!" Callum cried.

I was too shocked to say anything. What the heck?! Why did Callum have to leave?!

"And we figured that you'd miss him, Nessa, so you have to leave too," Eric finished.


...at least I wouldn't be without Callum.

We just looked at each other and then smiled.

"Okay," Callum said. "We'll go pack."

A/N: I've suddenly got really back into this story hehe.


............the next chapter will probably be the last chapter of this book.


Sad, I know.

I hoped you've liked this story so far!

See you in the next and final chapter!


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