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Roxanne's pov.
I felt terrible for Callum. He'd just lost the girl that he really loved; she was gone. I made fun of their love, but I didn't expect something to actually happen to either one of them.

Eric and some others put Nessa on a stretcher and rolled her away somewhere. I looked over at Four, who motioned for me to come up and enter my fear landscape.

Here we go.


Luckily, I survived my fear landscape. I went to see Callum afterwards. He was in the dormitory, crying all over Nessa's bed.

"Hey," I said from the doorway.

He looked up at me. "Oh. Hi."

"Budge up," I told him, walking over and sitting next to him. "Look, I'm really sorry about... She was really great."

"She didn't even live to become a member," he sobbed. "She didn't even pass initiation. What fear in her landscape could have killed her?"

"I don't know," I answered.

I looked at Callum. I'd wanted him to break up with Nessa and be with me. I hadn't wanted Nessa to die. I'd just wanted to be with Callum. That was possible now, but I was pretty sure that Callum wasn't going to date again.

Why was life so cruel?

That was a question I didn't know the answer to.


Callum's pov.
They held the funeral about two days later. I cried my eyes out, which meant that Roxanne's jacket got very wet.

The worst part was that they didn't put her in a coffin. She just was on a table, for everyone to see. She looked like she was just sleeping. She looked beautiful.

But she wasn't sleeping. She was dead. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that her body, which had been so full of life, now had no living being in it. It was just like a model of a person.

Afterwards, I stayed by Nessa. I didn't want to think of her as the body because that made me too upset. I held her hand and prayed.

"Nessa please," I whispered. "Open your eyes. Say that it was a cruel trick. Wake up."

I wrapped my arms around her fragile body and hugged her.


Was it my imagination or did her heart just beat?

Please, let it be real. I put my head on her chest and listened.

Her heart beat.

She wasn't dead.

Oh my god!

I pressed my lips firmly onto hers. Hopefully a true loves kiss would work this time.

A small gasp escaped her lips. Her eyelids fluttered.

"Nessa!" I cried. "Be strong, open your eyes!"

I kissed her again, on her lips, on her neck, on her hands.

Please, I thought, just work.

This time she didn't gasp.

Her eyelids didn't flutter.

She breathed properly.

She opened her eyes!

"Nessa!" I shouted.

"Callum?" she asked. "Oh Callum!"

"Oh Nessa! You're... You're alive! We all thought you were dead! Your funeral just happened about ten minutes ago..."

"You thought I died?" she asked, shocked. Then she sat up. "Wow. I was unconscious I think."

"But... why?" I still couldn't understand why she'd been unconscious in the first place.

"Well one of my fears - my last one - was dying. I hoped I wouldn't actually die. And I didn't, I just ended up unconscious. But you all thought I died."

"I'm so happy you didn't," I told her, kissing her again.

Nessa's pov.
I kissed Callum back, softly at first, but then more desperately.

"I love you Callum," I told him when he let go.

"What?" he said, shocked. "Say that again please."

"I love you Callum," I repeated.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his again.

"Good," he said when he pulled away, "because otherwise I wouldn't be able kiss you like that if you didn't."


So as you probably guessed, it was a little awkward telling everyone I wasn't dead.


More than a little.

Yeah it was super awkward.

I mean, how do you do it? Just walk up to someone who just went to your funeral and say 'Hey. I'm alive"? Because then you have to explain why and all that rubbish.

Telling Eric was the most awkward. I planned to just not tell him, but then it would be a bit mean really. He thought I'd died. He needed to know I hadn't.

In the end I just walked up to him and explained. He looked relieved at first, then angry.

Then he punched me in the face.

"You freaking liar!" he shouted. "I bet you weren't even unconscious! You just wanted attention!"

I was about to retaliate but Callum got there first. He pushed him against the wall and held him up by the collar on his shirt.

"Don't you dare say another word against Nessa," he growled, his teeth gritted.

"Callum it's OK," I said. He let go of Eric and I kicked Eric's stomach. "You are the freaking liar. You said you loved me, that you wanted to be with me forever. I was an idiot for believing you."

I took Callum's hand and walked away.

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