Broken Heart

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Callum's pov.
I waited for Nessa to open her eyes and run to me. But she stayed in the chair, just slumping a bit.


She couldn't be dead. She couldn't be gone.

"Nessa!" I shouted, running towards her. I hugged her tight. "Please be alive, please Nessa. I'm too selfish to live without you. I love you."

I wanted her to hear my voice and open her eyes. Like in some romantic movie, where true love saves someone from death.

I pressed my lips to hers in the hope of a true love's kiss.

Except this wasn't a fairytale or a movie, it was real life. And in real life, you can't wake up from death.

Eric walked over to me and Nessa. He ignored me and focused on her.

"Oh my god," he said. "Baby, wake up."

He leaned forward to kiss her, but I pushed him away. Who did he think he was, trying to steal my girlfriend?

"Get. Off. Her," I growled. "And don't you dare call her baby. She doesn't love you, OK? She loves me."

"You're using the wrong tense," Eric growled back. "She loved you. But now she's dead."

How could he speak so carelessly about her death? He couldn't truly love her if he could speak about her dying like that.

I felt anger rush through me. And I punched Eric in the face.

"Fight, fight, fight!" I heard some of the other transfers shout.

I moved to punch Eric again, but he grabbed my legs and threw me down on the floor. Pain stabbed through me, but I got up and kicked him in his stomach. He fell onto the floor, winded. I smiled.

"You can't love her if you speak like that about her dying," I told him. "I'm guessing your you never loved her. You make me sick Eric."

And I gave him one last punch in the face for good measure.

He stood up, though he was clearly in pain, and ran off.

"Callum!" Four shouted. "Do you want to go into your fear landscape next?"

"No!" I shouted back. "I have to be with Nessa."

"Callum," Four said softly, walking over to me. "She's not going to wake up."

Tears spurted down my face. "That doesn't matter to you. All you lost is a possible Dauntless member. But I... I lost my girlfriend."

Four put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Callum. I'm gonna miss her too." He sighed. "You know what? You don't have to do any more training today."

I nodded. "Thank you," I said quietly.

I left the room and made my way back to the dormitory. Instead of lying on my bed, I went over to Nessa's. I lay down on it and cried, wrapping myself in the sheets that once wrapped around her body.

I don't know how long I cried for, but it was longer than any other time I'd cried in my life. It felt as if a hole has been ripped in my chest. My heart was broken.

OK, terribly short chapter but I wanted to get this bit down, and I thought it would be better in one chapter on its own. Do you feel bad for Callum?

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