Chapter 49

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<Hope's p.o.v>

I saw Harvey towering above me, and my adrenalin was now replaced with pure terror.

He dragged me inside by the ear, and I could see Blake, Corey and Rebecca following me out of the corner of my vision.

No, no, no, no, no.

Harvey was going to kill them all.

I entered the house, and I saw Xavier. He was in a cage, and was rattling at the bars desperately.

"Hope! Hope, turn away, please. Please! Listen to me!" He looked awful.

"Now, you can let everyone else go." I told Harvey, my voice wavering dangerously.

He laughed a booming laugh.

"You think I'm that stupid? I will have my uses for them." I was shaking violently.

"B-but you made a deal." I stuttered desperately.

"Sinse when have I ever stuck to my deals?!" I let out a sob, then my eyes drifted around the room.

Xavier was still rattling the cage, and Blake, Corey, Rebecca and Hana were standing there stupidly.

I looked at them, then to the door, signalling them to leave.

"Oh no, you don't." Harvey said, then he clicked his fingerrs and two broad men strode out, and grabbed each of them.

One of them I recognized.

It was Riley.

The one who tried to... Rape me.

I bit my lip, and he gave me a vicious stare guarded with some amusement.

Corey and Blake were chucked into the same cage as Xavier, and then Rebecca and Hana were chucked into another separate cage.

My eyes welled up with tears.

"Please. Just let them go." I whispered.

"They will pay for being friends with you, you useless slut. Especially that one." He thrust his filthy finger toward Xavier.

I backed away toward the wall.

Harvey was advancing on me.

Then he grabbed my head and slammed it against the wall.

I took the hit, with only a slightly dizzy feeling afterward.

The fact that I barely reacted made him even more angry.

His nostrils flared, and his face turned a deadly purpling colour.

He punched me in the gut, causing me to double over in pain, then he kicked my legs out from beneath me.

I fell to the ground. I scrabbled back up.

This I was used to. I would be fine if he just kept his abuse like this.

After me not reacting again, he truly got angry.

He grabbed the tip of my ear again, and dragged me up the rotting stairs to his room.

I kicked and screamed. I knew where this was going.

And it scared me half to death.

"Make another move, and one of your 'friends' get it." I nodded, fast.

I wouldn't let them get hurt because of me.

He got me into the room, and threw me onto the bed.

I curled up into a ball.

I was dying on the inside.

He locked the door, and advanced toward me.

I was violently shaking.

I was scarely breathing.

He forcefully uncurled me from my protective ball.

He sat on top of my legs, and put his elbows on my shoulder to stop me from moving.

He leaned his face toward mine, and his disgusting breath was tickling my face.

I did the only think I was capable of.

I screamed.


He was slightly surprised at first, but then he pressed his hand over my mouth.

"Do that again, and you will regret it."

I looked him dead in the eye, and screamed again.

Even louder.

He practically exploded.

"I warned you. Now, don't consider me responsible for my actions." He whispered harshly.

He whipped up my dress, and pulled down my pants.

I screamed again, in pure horror.

He was going to rape me.

Unwanted. Broken. AbusedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin