Chapter 3

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(Photo above is Harvey^^)

<Hope's p.o.v>

When I arrived home, Harvey was waiting at the door. He didn't look happy.

"Finally, Hopeless has arrived. You know, I was thinking you weren't gonna show. Start living on the streets where you belong."

I concentrated on keeping my breathing level. I wasn't going to have another one of those 'panic attacks', oh no.

Once is enough, thank you very much.

Harvey's fist connected with my jaw and I managed to stay on my feet. I was used to his punches by now.

But then Harvey did something I wasn't expecting. He grabbed my T-shirt and flung me down onto the greasy couch. He then laid his filthy fingers on my skinny body.

His fingers lingered at around my hips.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

He saw me panicking and sniggered.

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Never had I been so glad.

Harvey sighed and got up from the greasy couch.

It was some random mate of his and Harvey sent him away angrily. When he returned, he just kicked my face and punched my stomach. Nothing I wasn't used to.

And, to my complete and utter surprise, he walked away. Just like that. I scrambled up and rushed to my room.

I lay down on my bed and shut my eyes.

When I awoke, it was around 2:30 in the morning. I decided to take this time to examine the bruises.

I tip-toed to the bathroom and looked at my ugly self in the mirror.

I had ugly grey eyes and dull blonde hair. I was as skinny as a twig, not to mention hungry.

The thing with Harvey was that he only fed me once a week, and even then it was only a small scrap.

I looked closer at my face and saw I had a black eye and a purpling bruise around my neck area.

I lifted up my top to inspect my stomach. It was completely purple.

Not a patch of un-bruised skin.

I was ugly. I was dumb. I was broken.

I crept into the kitchen and picked out a knife. It was small and sharp. I slowly reached it for my wrists and I was about to slice into my skin when a booming voice appeared behind me.

I froze up.

It was Harvey.

He had caught me.

I was dead. So dead.


You know what, Harvey? So do I.

Before I could even gesture, he had grabbed me by my hair and was dragging me out of the kitchen. He slammed my head against a wall and he knocked my legs out from underneath me.

He stormed away.

I was left curled up on the floor, whimpering and holding my head.

* * *

I must have fallen asleep, or passed put because I woke up to Harvey yelling in my ear that I hadn't made his breakfast.

I sat up and realized I had the most pounding headache.

I collapsed to the floor, my legs too weak to hold me up, and Harvey whispered something about how useless I was, and how I couldn't even cook breakfast.

But I didn't hear him. I couldn't hear anything.

Then I was yanked up by the collar and tossed out the front door.

"Go live on the streets or something for a night so you know just how great my roof is. Go. Goodbye"

I was lost, I didn't know what to do. I had no friends that I could stay with and I didn't have any living relatives, or so Harvey told me.

I got myself up, and started off by trying to put as much distance between myself and Harvey as possible. I walked until I could no longer stand.

Then I collapsed by some wall.

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