Chapter 39

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<Hope's p.o.v>

I blinked twice to get used to the light in the room.

I sat up and glanced around.

I was sitting on a couch.

A familiar couch.

A boy was sleeping on the floor next to me.

A familiar boy.

Then, it all clicked into place.

I was at Xavier's house.

I knew he was going to ask questions, but I didn't care.

I felt oddly... At ease.

I actually felt safe with him near me.

A feeling I hadn't experienced in a while.

I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

Then, Xavier groaned and he opened his eyes.

He saw me sitting up, and grinned at me.

I grinned back.

"How you doing?" He asked.

I put my thumbs up.

Then, he stopped grinning.

"Head feeling okay?" I put my hand to my forehead, where there was a dull ache.

One which I hadn't realized was there until now.

Then I realized my arms were stinging.

I glanced down at them.

My eyes widened in shock.

I had cuts all the way up to my elbows, on both arms.

I bit my lip and looked at him.

There was a notepad by the couch.

I reached for it, and wrote.

You probably think I'm a monster. Don't you?

He read the note and his eyebrows shot up.

"No way, Hope! Never in a million years would I think that! Don't ever even consider the possibility." I frowned at him.

Your just saying that because you have to.

He looked me dead in the eye.

"Hope. I swear that I would never think that about you. You are an amazing, beautiful person. Don't put yourself down because your worried what other people would think."

I felt myself blush at the part where he told me I was beautiful.

Ugh, he was just saying that.

Of course I wasn't pretty.

'Pretty' meant someone like Rebecca, or Megan.

Definitely not someone like me.

I'm not beautiful.

I wrote.

He snorted.

"Why on earth would you think that, Hope?!" I shrugged.

Because its true.

"Well it's not. I promise you. You are the most beautiful person I've ever had the luck to meet." I blushed and looked at the blanket.

Stop saying that. We all know it isn't true.

Xavier's eyes widened.

"I wouldn't say all of that if it wasn't true!"

You really think that I'm pretty?

He sighed.

"You are more than pretty, you are beautiful." I smiled at him.

Your not so bad yourself.

He beamed at me.

I beamed back.

Then, I heard an urgent muttering coming from the direction of the stairs.

I looked around to find Rebecca ushering a protesting Hana away from the door.

My eyes widened in shock.

What on earth are they doing here??!

Xavier shrugged.

"They asked to crash here for the night." I raised my eyebrows.

And why is that??

"To look after you." He said softly.

I felt my heart warm at their kindness.

I need to thank them!

And with that, I rushed out of the room to where they were squabbling on the stairs.

They saw me, and froze.

I smiled and embraced them both in a hug.

"Thank you. I'm sorry." I whispered to them.

I pulled away, and left them there.

I could just feel their shocked stares at me.

I grinned, and returned to Xavier.

He was grinning back.

But it just took one look down at my cut arms, and one more jab of pain on my forehead to completely kill the mood.

I sighed and a single tear fell from my face.

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