Chapter 8

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<Hope's p.o.v>

I blinked my eyes twice in the sudden brightness.

Once again, Harvey was in the doorway.

"Rise and shine, Hopeless."

He came and untied the ropes and I scrambled to get ready.

Today I had to be extra careful. Today I had to make sure I was completely iscolated.

I was now ready for school.

I wore my longest jumper, just in case the same thing happned today as yesterday.

I went to school, shaking and nervous.

I was late for school.

<Xavier's p.o.v>


I groaned. Another rubbish day at school, where I'd get looks from all the girls, and even some of the boys.

That was creepy.

But then I remembered.

Hope. Her whip marks (or so I think).

I had to ask her.

I had to know.

I rushed to get ready and arrived at school extra early so I could catch her on her way in.

She didn't come.

She was either late or bunking.

I assume she's probably just late.

I hope.

The bell went and I sighed and walked to French class.

Hope wasnt in my French class.

Nor English (which I had next).

Great, I couldn't speak to her until break.

Although at least then I'd have a whole fifteen minutes.

I let my mind drif off until the bell went for next period.


I hate English.

Probably something to do with the fact I'm so damn crap at it.

I had another hour of boringness.

What fun.

I pulled out a notepad and started doodling.

After an hour of doodling, the bell went.

Time to speak to Hope.

As soon as the bell went, I jumped up out of my seat and ran out the class to speak to Hope.

She was there. On the bench, by herself.

I called Blake over, who was just as eager to find out as I, and together we ran over to her.

She looked shocked to see us so eager, but then she panicked slightly. Don't ask me why, I dont know.

"Hope, let us see your back." Her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"Hope," it was Blake's turn to plead with her. "Please, we're just concerned." She shook her head again.

She got a piece of paper and wrote very fast:

I have to go now.

And she ran off.

Blake and I shared a look and ran after her.

She was going for the school gates.

She was fast, but not fast enough.

Blake and I caught up with her easily.

"Hope. Just tell us." She shook her head, her eyes full of fear.

We stood in front of her, so she couldn't keep running forward.

She ran around us.

Blake and I carried on chasing her.

We caught up again.

"Hope, please. We just want to help you!"

She nodded and asked for the notepad.

I gave it.

I tripped and hurt my back slightly. I didn't want you to know because I was embarrassed.

No way was I gonna believe that.

"Please, don't lie to us!"

I'm not lying.

I shook my head.

"Fine then, just come with us and we can talk about it."

She shook her head.

I have a dentist appointment.

Wow, this girl was desperate.

"Fine then, let's sign you out at the desk."

There's no need. I had a note.

Man, this girl would not give up.

"Are you sure?" I asked, running out of excuses to keep her at school.

She nodded seemingly happy and walkes away.

But her eyes gave it all away.

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