Chapter 6

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<Xavier's p.o.v>

I woke up from my uncomfortable postion in my chair to see that Hope had gone. I panicked, and I was just properly waking up when she walked out the bathroom. I immediately perked up.

"Hope, where are you going?"

She froze up, and slowly turned around. She mimed for a notepad and a pen, and I went to get her one. When I was gone, she took this as an opportunity to dash out the house. Oh, that cheeky little...

It occurred to me then that I could still follow her. I checked outside and I just saw her turn a corner. I easily caught up with her.

I then realized I still had the notepad and pen in my hand.

"Hope, what the heck?" I demanded. She didn't even acknowledge me.

"Hope, just tell me where your going!" I said. She carried on.

So did I.

"Hope, that's it." I stood in front of her to stop her. She stopped and avoided eye-contact.

"Hope, just tell me where you going." I said, as calmly as possible. She snatched the notepad and pen out my hand and wrote in big capital letters:


I sighed.

"Hope, why are you suddenly so pissed?" Hope bit her lip. She then wrote on the notepad:

I'm sorry, thanks for letting me stay. Now please leave me alone.

I did. I stepped to the side so she could walk past.

Somehow, she left me feeling as though I'd done something wrong.

<Hope's p.o.v>

I arrived back to my (well, Harvey's) house at around 6:40. If I came in now, I'd have enough time to make Harvey's breakfast before he woke up.

I did.

I left it on the table with a note saying I had to go to my job. (I didn't have a job, but Harvey didn't know that.)

I grabbed my keys and left the filthy house. When I was about halfway down the street, a loud shouting was heard from my house. That was most likely Harvey.

The front door banged open and Harvey spotted me. I gulped and stayed put. If I ran, I'd only get into more trouble. He picked me up by the collar of my jumped and dragged me back to the house holding my ear. I winced, but said nothing.

When we were 'safely' inside, Harvey really let go.


I shook my head, no. But this just made him more angry. He grabbed my wrist, hard, and took me down to the basement.

He wasnt going to lock me down here, was he? I really, really hope not.

He guided me to the center of the room, where a mysterious silhouette lingered in the dark.

When I got closer and realized what it was, I panicked. I started to struggle free from his iron grip, but it was no use.

For there, in the center of the room stood a whipping post.

Harvey yanked my wrists down and tied them to the pole. He lifted my shirt up and lifted his hand.

His rope connected with my back and a searing pain shot up all my back. He repeated this. The pain doubled.

And again. It tripled.

And again.

I could only bear all the pain for so long. I blacked out halfway through the beating.

* * *

The darkness awoke me. Yesterday seemed like a nightmare, but I was still strapped to the post and the insistent stinging in my back was a reminder that it wasn't.

Then it suddenly hit me. School! I had to go. I had to get out of here!

I struggled against the ropes until my wrists were sore. They wouldn't give.

A single tear fell down my face, which then lead to a whole cascade of them.

A sudden beam of light shot across the room, and Harvey's silhouette leaned against the doorframe.

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