Chapter 9

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<Hope's p.o.v>

As soon as I was out of sight from the boys, I ran. I ran out of school and I kept running until I was completely out of breath and unable to keep going.

Blake and Xavier were so close to discovering. I honestly had no idea what to do. I couldn't let them in.

If they found out, Harvey would literally kill me. I know that's what he's been planning.

Everyone has to die sooner or later, so why not end my sufferings now?

But I'd be the only one to end. No way was I dragging Xavier and Blake down with me.

No way.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts slightly and checked the time.


I had about two and a half hours until Harvey expected me back.

I meadered the streets for a while.

I wasn't used to all this free time.

Suddenly, I bumped into what felt like a wall, but when I looked up, I saw it was Xavier looking down at me.

"Hope, what.. Where did you go?"

I shrugged my shoulders and glanced down.

"Hope, please. I need to know!"

I shook my head.

"Hope!" He half groaned, half shouted in frustration.

I flinched back at his sudden outburst. He saw his mistake, and made a desperate attempt to take back his words.

It was no good. I was so scared and I can't let him know and I need to get out of here.

I backed away, then ran.

I ran and ran, not caring where my legs took me as long as they were away from my messed up, ugly life.

I ran.

<Blake's p.o.v>

Me and X had decided to split up to look for Hope. We had both escaped school and were looking for her.

I shook my head to myself.

Everything just didn't add up.

How could Hope have tripped and gotten all that on her back?

Why would she refuse to tell us?

Who, or what, did that to her?

I took a deep breath, and carried on walking.

Just then, I got a text from X;

Just bumped into her. She ran, coming toward your direction.

And then, as if on cue, Hope rushed around the corner of the street and straight into my arms.

She gasped when I caught her, then saw me and started struggling to get out of my arms.

I didn't let her.

"Hope, we just wanna speak! Please, just tell us where you got those who marks from, and who did that to you." There were tears brimming on her eyes and she violently shook her head.

She stopped struggling after a while and began taking deep breaths. She then gestured for the notepad and pen.

I gave it to her and she wrote;

I can't tell you. If I do, I'll be in trouble. I don't want to drag you down into my business.

By the time I'd read that, she had run off again. I mentally groaned and sent X a text.

* * *

After the incident with Hope, X and I went to his to talk about everything.

"Seriously, man, I'm worried for that girl." I told him.

"Me too... I knew she never had a dentist appointment!" I halfheartedly laughed.

"Yeah. Seriously, though. Whoever did that to her is probably doing it again right now. For all we know, she could be dead!" I said. I knew I was over exaggerating on the last sentence, but X didn't even seem to hear me.

He was drifting away into his own world.

He had been doing this a lot lately.

Then, it clicked.

Xavier liked her. Oh my gosh, Xavier had a fuckin crush on her!


Xavier blushed a bright crimson. I laughed.

That guy was just full of surprises

Unwanted. Broken. AbusedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora