Chapter 16: First Kiss?

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Hey guys! So I hope you like this chapter. I know I haven't been updating but I've just been really busy. Anyways, hope you like this one :3 okay bye everyone love you!
~Maka's POV~
I'm so weak. Crying again. How can I make sure Soul won't get hurt anymore if I keep crying? But I have a strong best friend: Asuna. "It's okay Maka... Calm down." She whispered quietly to me as she hugged me.

I looked up at Asuna a bit later. "You poor thing... Your face is stained with tears and your nose is red." She said while wiping the rest of my tears. "Do you want to stay over tonight?" She asked quietly. "'s alright. I'm gonna go home soon." I replied with a weak voice and some sniffs. Then, we heard a knock on the door.

"Asuna?" Are you home?" The person asked. It was Leafa. "Yep. I'm coming just a second." She yelled and got up from the couch. "I'm gonna go now." I said walking past Leafa.

I feel tears drop down my face as the wind flew through my face. I don't know if I can face Soul tonight. No. I can, because I will become stronger. I do like Soul... But I don't think he likes me back. I wondered. My cape and my hair flew in the wind as I soared down toward my apartment. I can feel Soul inside. I took a deep breath in then opened the door.

"Oh. Hey Maka." Soul greeted me. He was lying on the couch messaging Kirito. "Hey." I replied to him. "You wanna go on a boss rade? It's in 2 days. Floor 27 I think..." He asked with a yawn. "Sure." I said as I walked into my room and flopped onto my bed.

I opened my menu and messaged Asuna and Leafa.
Can you guys tell me more details about the rade in 2 days?
After that I took out my pigtails and got changed.

I wore a green top with a short white skirt. My dirty blonde hair was resting on my shoulders. I looked in the mirror once more before I went outside to check on Soul and make dinner. I guess I look okay. Everyone is meeting over in Sylvain to help with flying in about 3 hours, so I should look casual.

I walked back to the living room to find Soul asleep on the couch. I sat down next to him and opened my menu again and started to study a spell. "Long range, boomerang like-" I read until I was interrupted by Soul's yelling. "Are you alright Soul?" I asked him. There was hurt and terror in his eyes. I didn't know what to do. "Soul-"

The next thing I knew, Soul was holding me close and this head rested on my shoulder. "Soul..." I asked quietly. I latched my arms around his neck and hugged him. "What's wrong? This isn't like you..." I whispered. "I-I don't want you to get hurt...

During the boss rade. I'm scared..." He whispered back to me. I was shocked. He's worried about me and I'm worried about him... What's happening? He finally looked back up at me. I brushed his snow, white hair out of his eyes. "Are you alri-"

He lifted my chin up then started to lean closer to me, then his lips pressed on to mine. My heart beat started to speed up, and I felt my cheeks get red. When he pulled away, he bent his head down. "Maka, I-i..." He tried to say until I pulled him in for another hug. "It's okay Soul. I'm not mad at you." I said back to him.

"We have 2 days to prepare for the rade. It's going to be alright." I said as I kissed his left cheek then got up from the sofa and flopped onto my bed again.

He just kissed me?! Asuna said she suspected it, and she was right? I need to message her ASAP. Inside I was freaking out, but outside I was normal. "Okay, I have to text Asuna"

{Maka Albarn}
Um.. You see you suspected correctly he does like me.

{Asuna Yuuki}
Oh really? How do you know?

{Maka Albarn}
Well, he kinda just kissed me earlier...

{Asuna Yuuki}
:) Okay! I have one tip for you: be brave at the boss rade in 2 days.

{Maka Albarn}
Alright. Thanks.

COMPLETED: Sound of Our Souls ((Soul Eater and Sword Art Online and Fairy Tail with a bit of Fire Emblem fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now