But luckily, that cloud effect only last a few moment. I brought my hands up to his shoulder, grabbing his shirt, and pulled him away from me. Breathing heavily as I stared up at him, my hand quickly moved from his shoulder, and slapped him across the face. My mouth firmly pressed together as my nose scrunched up as my look turned cold, "You're still so very stupid, Ulric."

He stared at me for a moment before turning away. My face dropped in shock because of me! Well, yes because he turned away but because I stupidly stayed right there to allow him to turn away first! He didn't look mad but I was annoyed he turned away first! He walked off the porch and away from the house. My mouth flew up to my mouth, wiping across my mouth as if I could wipe away his kiss.

Why am I still standing here? I hurried into the house and up to my room not bother to let anyone know I'm home. I closed my door behind me and pressed my back against the wall. I really need to stay off that porch. I'm either getting proposed or kissed on it.


The Alphas stood on both sides of me on the moutain hill as he looked down at the camp fire sit up miles away deep into the forest.

"At least sixteen of them." Alpha Owen of Idaho said.

"Three children. Six women. And seven men." I said.

"Doesn't sound to hard." Alpha James said. "More of us."

I watched closely as the huddle near a fire. The men had their arms around the women but two of them fought with each other playfully. The children looked dirty in the clothes and their hair scraggly. They allot looked like they were straved, malnourished. It wasn't hard to figure some of them were on drugs the way they appeared. Them scartching their neck allot and seem aggravated allot. One even pulled out a bag and snorted it. The women kept their mouth shut, having blank looks.

"Don't look fooled by their numbers." I said. "Their strong like hell, the drugs probably increasing that strength by giving them an adrenaline rush."

"They'll soon smell us if we stay here. The wind strong tonight, it'll carry our scents down to them." Alpha Alec said. "And they'll catch it sooner if we run to them."

"How many of them are really gonna run from us?" Alpha Jaycob said. "You know them, they'll end up meeting us half way."

"Right." I said as I stood up. "So, the ones who come all of us know the drill. The rest continue onto the pack. There is enough of us."

"Don't stay to watch the ones who bravely come to stop us." Alpha Alaric said coming beside me and I looked up at him. "I'm guessing yours going after the leader who I'm guessing the one in that raggy blue flannel shirt."

I grinned at him, "Make it a game, Alaric?"

He smirked, "You're on, Matilda."

I turned away, "Allot of you are pretty well trained." I said looking at each of the wolves from the eight packs. There's was twenty-six of us. "I don't think this should be to hard. Keep an eye on the wolf next to you, help each other if it's needed." I felt my eyes turned Sapphire-Amber and all their eyes flashed yellow. We all shifted and ran down the mountain hill towards them. Me and the other Alphas stayed in the front but our loyal pack members made sure to stay close. We ran towards the wild pack and we soon heard a howl from them to let us know they know we're coming.


Alpha Alaric really raced me to the leader. I could tell it who it was by his eyes since even wild wolves eyes turned yellow. But the Alphas, they were easy to spot. He lunged at the alpha as three of the wild wolves charged at us first but seven of us stayed here to fight them as the rest headed towards the pack.

And Killian and my dad sure stayed. Alaric and the alpha faught with each other. Shifting to my human form, the wild alpha was able to fight Alaric off. He breathed heavily as he turned to look at me. I grinned, my eyes burning Sapphire-Amber. I ran towards him, shifting into my wolf form as I lunged at him. Biting and clawing at each other, we both faught with each other. Killian ran over, helping me hold him down. I bit roughly into the wild alphas dirty fur neck, growling at him to sumbit but he was stubborn. Killian bit his back legs, both of us trying to make him.

He shifted into a human and manage to escape before my jaw clamp down on his thinner neck now. He crawled away from us and I turned back into a human. I twirled the cuff around my wrist as he growled at me and I took the small key to the cuff from my hair that I bobbypins in. I unhooked the cuffs as Killian had sneaked up behind him since the wild Alpha been eyeing me. Killian brought his foot out, kicking the Alpha who looked pissed as hell onto his side. He knew he was trapped. He knew it would be reckless to challenge me.

I pushed him on his chest, bring his arms behind him as he cried out in anger and frustration. His eyes were Sapphire-Amber but they were also bloodshot. He breathed out heavily, calling me names and allot of things that weren't nice. He even called me some things I didn't know meant. Gotta asked Aeriela what they mean later.

It didn't take to long. About less than an hour to round them all up. Bring them back around their pack site allot of them had been knocked unconscience. The kids were crying near their mothers held onto them protectly, clearly not restraining but growled at any of us who tried to go near them.

Our wolves circled around them, making sure none of them escaped.

Alpha James came over to me, "All of them are here. None of them died, so that's a good things. It wasn't that hard."

I nodded, "It wasn't. I need them taken to the Davison Building where they'll be loaded up into a truck that'll take them to Oregon. The kids will be put in another car taking them North Dakota, Kristian will be informed while their on their way. A medical team also waiting to inject them with this drug to make them sleepy so they'll be asleep most of the drive there. They'll wake up in a cell completely fine and ready to begin this process."

He nodded, "Alright. It's gets them out of my hair. Goodluck." he said, patting my shoulders as he walked away.

I cracked my knuckled as I looked at four of the guys from Jaycob and Alaric pack, "I want you to be gentle with the cubs. Got it?" I asked them and they nodded. It was hard, watching them take the three cubs from their mothers who growled and screamed at them to let go of their kids but the wolves behind them grabbed them and cuffed them. I bit my lower lip, looking down at the ground reminding myself soon in a couple of months they'll be together again. They had to be cleaned from the drugs and learn to survive in this new world.


Killian walked into the hotel bathroom. I was sitting in the tub, staring at the ceiling. He took his clothes off and sat on the other side.

"Went all as planned." he said. "When we get back, you'll have to sign the papers to get the building ready for the ones who decide soon to start adjusting."

I nodded, my fingers rubbing my sore neck, "In the morning we'll head back." I said. I crawled towards him, pecking him before I turned around and pressed my back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, his cheek resting against my head. I made sure I was steps ahead of everything. Once the wolves are clean and have agreed to adjustments they'll be taken an apartment building I bought for them. I had to make sure everything was secured with the windows bared and cameras set up. Wolves coming to guard. They'll live there, have food and things needed brought to them. The cubs brought back. Me and people coming to help teach them live in this world. I wasn't gonna leave them alone, I'm really gonna help them.

It's gonna be a new era for us wolves.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now