24: She Was Always Yours

Start from the beginning

    "What the hell is wrong with me?" I whispered, a half-hearted laugh escaping my scarred lips. Before this war, I was okay. Sure, I had nightmares, and shuddered at the thought of the ones I lost, but now...I was broken. My brain shut down, pumped chemicals through my veins when no visible danger was threatening me. Was this the same torture that Max was put through? Was this why he stared off into space with wide, blank eyes? I closed my eyes and pulled away from Nux, feeling a little bit queasy. He didn't answer my question.

     "Sorry about that." I said sheepishly, fiddling with one of the many straps on my cargo pants. Before he could respond, I leaned in and gave him a swift peck on the cheek, my face turning the color of blood under my war paint. I decided at that moment that I needed to get over my fears, no matter how small. Fighting off the memories, I forced a smile, "Cya later, I need a word with Furiosa."

    His eyes follow me all the way out of the fighting pits, astonished and pleased.

     Just as I thought, I found Furiosa tinkering with the Gigahorse. I toyed with the keys nestled in my top most pocket, chewing my lip in thought. I have been thinking this over for a while. Now seemed to be as good as a time as ever.

     I strode up to her, admiring her work on the mighty machine. Not far away was the rig Jr., towering high above the other cars in the black thumb's cave. 

     "Hello, Feral." Furiosa greeted me with a dip of her head, stopping her work at the headlights.

    I nodded my head back to her, smiling a little. I hope this is a good idea...

     Before I could speak, a head of scruffy hair appeared from the other side of the Gigahorse. It was Max, who was holding a tangled mass of wires. He grunted in my direction, his eyes flashing with that fatherly warmth that he always had when he was around anyone he was fond of.

   I cleared my throat, swallowing nervously, "So, uh, you enjoyin' your new ride?" I asked casually, taking a step closer to admire it.

    Furiosa nodded again, though I could see the blankness etched into her features. 

     "She's a beaut, I'll say that much." I said with a friendly smile. "Nothing to the first war rig, though."

    Furiosa perked up ever so slightly. It would have been invisible to anyone not looking for such a gesture. "Yes, the original rig was a powerful machine." she admitted longingly. 

    "I'd say the rig Jr. is as close as you can get to the real deal. Spent a long time on her." I rambled, smiling slyly.

    Furiosa gave me a raised eye brow look. Max was just watching the conversation with mild intrest in the backround. "What are you getting at?" she demanded dryly.

     I fished the rig Jr.'s keys from my pocket, holding them out to Furiosa. "I want you to have her back."

    The leader looked stunned. She stared at the keys dangling from my fingers with wide eyes the color of seafoam. Then she shook her head and stepped back, hands up. "But she's yours. I gave her to you." she protested weakly. It was so obvious how much she missed her old ride, it practically seeped through her skin.

    I laughed, "Who was I kidding? She is yours. She was always yours." I said.

     Furiosa bit her lip a little, "But you love the rig."

    I gave her a one shouldered shrug, "Aye, I do. But you love her more." I countered. This was something I noticed not long after I claimed the rig Jr. as my own. I could see the way the former Imperator stole glances at the truck, how she drove the Gigahorse with an air of iindifference. I have been planning on giving her back to her original owner for months now. I did adore her, she is my dream ride. But she isn't mine. Furiosa fought tooth and claw to get a hold of her, and I had no right to take it.

    Furiosa glanced at Max, as if asking if it was okay. Max smiled a bit, then nodded with approval. It seems that I was not the only one with this opinion.

    She reached out with her flesh hand, gently taking the keys in her rough fingers. The cradled it in her palm, as if she was afraid they would disappear. Without another word, she hurried to the side of the Gigahorse and opened the door. She reached into the front seat and plucked something from inside. Then she tossed me a key, with a single chain dangling from it. I caught it in both of my hands, surprised.

     "Then you take the Gigahorse." she ordered, hopping down to the floor. Without saying anything else, she rushed to the side of the war rig Jr., gazing up at it lovingly. She ran her living hand across its black surface with giddiness radiating off of her.

     Max approached me, placing his large hand at my shoulder, "Good decision." he commented with a half grin.

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