why didnt u tell me

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E pov

Its been 4 weeks since I heard and saw brie. All she left mr with was a note saying that she couldnt take it anymore. I mean what the actual fuck. She comes back to me crying wanting me back then leaves me saying she couldn't take it anymore. I gave her my heart and my love. She called off things with her sister for me wasn't that enough. Her sister is gonna be gone any way so whats the point. I was at tae place drinking.

"So what your telling me is that you want in. In the group? Tae said as he rasied a brow.

"Yes brie was a bitch anyway I mean her sister is the one u want. What if I do get her.

"No its fine I want her to enjoy her time from me she is just making it harder and harder on her with the wait. She is gonna realize that she belongs to me. No one can ever have her. He said as he sipped on his wine.

"Why her though she isnt something that would be fascinating.

"She has this natural beauty I loved I mean she is a freak out of all girls I mean real freak. I may be mean and abusive to her but its all for a better reason for her to listen. He put his glass down and picked up a picture.

It was picture of brie leaving the store with a box. I looked at it closer to see it was pregnancy test. Was she pregnant I mean how even she is pregnant when we haven't done it In a while. Then the thought of jay cane through. She was pregnant with his child. How could she after everything I said to her.

"What do u say take one out the bunch so we won't have any complications. After all she did left u for ur best friend. Tae said as I thought hard.

Part of me wanted to hurt jay but not her but I couldn't stop the thought of everything.

"Why not tae we on the same team anyway. Ill make sure everything goes right just when I call u make sure u have the abandoned place for some tht needs disposal. I said as I crumbled the picture.

Brie u will be the death of me!

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