Chapter 3

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Kim pov

Walking into school I see some girls looking at me. I guess bitch was still mad cause of that fight. As I was walking I ran into someone.

"Sorry I didn't mean.....looking up to see it was that kookie guy.

What the hell was he doing here. Wait he comes to this school what the actual fuck.

"It's ok as long as your ok. Wait your that girl from the bar that i rescued. He pointed out.

"Yes but I have to go. I was thinking on which way to go until he followed me.

"Wait how are you feeling? Is your head ok.

"It's fine now I think I should be going. As I was about to leave agian he walked in front of me.

"Wait let me walk you to class.

"No thanks I rather walk myself. Now if you would excuse me. I moved him aside as I finally made my way to class.

Uggg not again. The guy who has been bugging me to go out with him is back in my seat. I didn't have any energy of talking with him so I just simply moved to another. I went to the desk and put my book bag on it so u can sleep. We had a sub so all we was gonna do is just talk away the whole period. Hearing the chair scratch next to me I turned my head to see it was that kookie guy agian. What the hell does he want. I get that he saved me and all but come on I don't need him in my life.

"So you take my class as well huh.


"Wanna talk?

"Nope. I had my eyes closed and head down this guy wasn't about to ruin this good ass sleep.

"Then what....

"Look kookie I'm pretty sure you see me have my eyes closed and my head down which clearly states that I'm going to sleep so please don't disturb me. The only time you should wake me if there is a teacher or the cops ok. Night. I gave him a smile as I turned my head the other way.

Why does this guy just don't get it that tired.

"If sleep you want then sleep you will get. All of a sudden I was pulled up and dragged out the class room.

"Yahh! Let go of my hand. I want to sleep.

"You will. Just wait.

"No let me go. He then pulled me into this nice room.

The room had a huge sofa and a TV. I didn't even know they had this kind of stuff here. Looking around I see a nice bed as well.

"Go and sleep like you said. You won't get in trouble I promise you. And i got all your school work. He pushed me in the bed as I looked at him oddly.

"Why are you looking at me sleep. Now! Getting under the covers I closed my eyes and dozed off.

Kookie pov

This girl here makes my heart pound so much. This wasn't my first meeting with her. One time I went out to drink with my Hyungs and I saw her. She was so perfect no beyond perfect she was perfection. It didn't matter of she was working at a bar where they had full men I haut wanted her to be mine. When she served our table and gave us the smile I fell for her even more. But my group told me to stay away from her she. They say she was dangerous cause of who she dated before. But that didn't matter cause about now I think I'm in love with her.

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