Chapter 11

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Kim pov

I can't believe I lost tht book. If someone has that book my secret would be exposed and I can't let that happen. I was in class as we watched a movie again. Tomorrow I have a test and needs to study bad. If I fail this exam I'm so screwed. Trying to study while the movie played I see a paper come my way.  Unfolding it I see it was from kookie. Looking at him he gave me a smile as he gave me a signal go write it down. Rolling my eyes I wrote back.

Leave me alone I'm studying something you should be doing as well.

As I went back to studying he wrote back.

Let's study together after school then. I know your weakest strength is biology and with my help I think you can pass.

He did have a point he was the smartest persons in biology but knowing him he would probably bother me to death. Passing him back the note he had a huge smile on his face. A stopped passing notes as I returned to a studying.

After school me an kook went into the school library as we found a secret place me and bae would come. It was crazy at how I remembered the place since its been a while. We got all the books as he helped me. He really wasn't that bad he was ok. But doesn't mean anything.

"So how do you do this formula again cause it's hard knowing just how to get the answer and problem.

"You divide then you take the two of them and combining it and bam you got your answer but in order for that you have to take them apart rounding them two the closets or nearest hundredth like this. He took my pencil as he helped solved the problem of the equation.

He was really smart. How can someone smart like he is be in a gang when he should be looking for a collage. I mean he shouldn't up like everyone else he is still young and very smart.

"There that's the answer did you understand. Shaking my head as I gave him a smile.

"You have a beautiful smile you know that right. He said as I looked some where else.

"Why are you so bad but so good I don't understand you. Like you show your bad side when at home or school but when your alone you change into someone so good. He said as he did his home work.

"Well some people have that side they give people to make them seem tough. I'm not really bad. I seem like it but not really just don't get on my bad side and we good. But look it's getting late we should go home. He nodded as he packed his things and mine.

The walk home was quiet. It feels awkward when I'm around him. I mean I'm sure what he feels for me doesn't match to what I am. He wouldn't want to have someone like me. The things done to me he wouldn't like and the things I hide.

"Hey Kim can I ask you something.

"You already are. I laughed.

"Maybe sometime after I don't know next week I can take you out. Like on a date I know that you might say no to this but at least late me show you how can be a gentleman. I would neve...... I mean I would show you the fun side if you just say yes.

Thinking on it carefully I see he is nervous his hands are sweaty. Hmm it wouldn't hurt if it was just one date after all what can happen.

"Hmmm sure why not. You seem to be proving your self pretty well plus you have something in you that I like so why not. I gave him a smile as he jumped around like a little kid.

Our way wasn't far. Until I heard thunder. I jerked as I held onto his arm tight. Thunder always scared me since I was a kid. Brie would always protect me from it.

"It's ok I'm right here. He said as he held onto me. Nodding my head a loud thunder was heard again as lighten struck as well.

Crouching down I covered my ears and counted. Each thunder made memories of mine come back.

"Your worthless!

"Im worthless!

"Your a slut!

"I'm a slut! Each thunder I said things that he would say to me.

I started to cry as the thoughts came back.

"Kim it's ok don't say that. Your not a slut your not worthless your someone. Listen to me! Look at me don't think of the thunder just listen to my words. Look at me. I opened my eyes looking at him.

My eyes are focused on him and and his voice. Trying to come back to reality I felt drops hit my head. It was starting to rain. Looking at him he was taking his jacket off as he put over m. Why was he so different.

"I don't want you to get wet. He smiled.

Getting up I took his hands as I looked up at him and have him a fake smile.

"Thank you. I don't know what came over me. Just please don't tell no one.

"It's no problem. I can understand. But let's get home before you get wet. Some like you shouldn't let it be rained on. He said as I held his hand all the way home.

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