21 - You're Like Eeyore On Heroine

Start from the beginning

Just as I was about to teleport the hell out of there, a deafening crack of thunder erupted through the clear sky, silencing the bird song. Already the storm clouds were moving towards us at a rapid rate. A frustrated sigh escaped my pursed lips as I raked a hand through my tangled hair. 

I couldn't hear myself think over all the noise. In my ear there were gunshots and shouts, angry screaming and whimpers of paralysing fear as the neighbours crowded the seriously outnumbered supers. On top of that, the funnelling storm clouds tumbled over each other, rolling in from Manhattan and growing increasingly louder. Then there was the sound of the supers trying to control the situation. Sirens wailed as the storm finally descended over Staten Island and Electro drifted down from the clouds. He looked in my direction and for one scary second, I thought he'd seen me. I held my breath as he glanced around before climbing into the third story window.

By now, the sirens were screaming, growing ever louder along with the gunshots and shouts in my ear. Everything was a discordance of noise and nothing was silent. There was noise in my ear and noise out of it. I could hear the yelling from the street as well as from the chip.

"Don't get involved... Don't get involved..." I muttered under my breath as I glanced up to the sound of Gold Thrush and Electro yelling at multiple residents to put down their guns and get off their friends.

"Oh fuck me," I muttered and for a split second, the world went dark. 


Inside, it was just as chaotic as in my ear. There were people everywhere, crowding the dark hall and throwing themselves on one another, swinging punches at innocent bystanders who lost their balance and tumbled down the stairs. Without air conditioning, the air was thick and humid and alive with noise as the only sound was everyone shouting, fighting to be heard. 

I kept getting pushed as people swarmed past me, shoving me into one person and then another and then a wall and then another person. Someone tackled me and I rolled over, punching them in the jaw. Someone else grabbed my shoulders and I jabbed my elbow backwards and up, catching them in the gut. A puff of air escaped them and they stumbled back, wheezing. If the other supers were surprised to see me, they sure as hell didn't show it as I leapt into action, ignoring the yelling from residents at the sight of yet another super.

"Do you mind?" I glowered at a woman who stood ready to attack me. She looked more amusing than threatening with her makeup smudged everywhere as she growled at me, looking and sounding like a hormonal raccoon. "I'm having kind of a bad day."

"Who the fuck cares?"

"Not you evidently," I rolled my eyes and teleported away before I had to fight the rabid panda woman.

In front of me loomed a big guy sporting a wife-beater, beer gut, and a three-day-old five o'clock shadow. He went for a smirk as he cocked his pistol, but honestly it looked more like a grimace. Snatching the gun out of his hands, I kneed him in the groin and hit him on the back of the head with the butt of the gun as he doubled over. He crumpled to the ground.

"RAY!" Some skank yelled in a thick Jersey accent (even though we were on fucking Staten Island) before whirling on me. "Who the fuck do you think you are–?"

"Not so fast, Snooki," I grumbled and quickly grabbed both wrists, twisting her so her back was pressed against my chest and she was detained as Mist turned into her poisonous gaseous state and smothered her, allowing her to pass out in my arms.

"Thought you had a calculous test?" I raised an eyebrow at Mist. She sent me a withering glare and I snapped my mouth shut, deciding it was probably better not to piss off the girl who just knocked someone out by breathing her air.

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