20 - Earth To Wonder Woman

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"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."

– William Blake

A number of things happened at once then. About half the class erupted into a cacophony as some tried swarming IH for an autograph and the other half started yelling obscenities at him, having just overheard our conversation that he was an evil dick who sold out my friends.

"Aw hell," Ashton muttered as IH teleported away from the screaming classmates and directly in front of Ciaran, "shit just got real."

Grabbing a fistful of Ciaran's V-neck and tugging him up until the two were face level, IH seethed, "you and I need to have a serious talk about the bro code."

"What's up Twinkle Toes?" Ciaran smiled a lazy grin and shot Dresden a look like can you believe this guy? Meanwhile, all I could think was that for the first time ever, I had seen Dresden Fox truly surprised. However, that surprise soon morphed into an unamused frown. Part of me hoped he was reading IH's mind and the other part hoped he was reading Ciaran's.

When I looked back to IH, it was to see his eyes blazing as he snarled, "Twinkle Toes? You're really going to regret that pretty boy." Side by side, I couldn't help but notice the stark similarities between the two boys. In fact, with their inky black hair and startling blue eyes, Ciaran and IH could easily pass for twins. Dresden may have shared eye and hair colour, but his features, like Finn's, were much sharper. Just like Finn, Dresden had high cheekbones and a jaw sharp enough to cut glass. Ciaran and IH, however, while shockingly handsome, lacked all the sharp angles that gave Dresden his dangerous edge. Although, I must say IH's ominous black mask and Ciaran's snarky attitude were doing a pretty good job of making up for what their cheekbones lacked in intimidation.

"I'm sorry," Ciaran chuckled, his eyes watering humorously as he pried IH's whitening fingers from his shirt, "I just can't take you seriously with those tights."

"It's called spandex, ass-wipe."

"It's called a leotard," Ciaran mocked.

He's winding you up!" Ashton muttered irritably.

"But I could wind you down," Nick added, wiggling his eyebrows in IH's direction and earning a smack from both Lila and Ashton.

"Weirdo," Ash muttered.

IH's fist tightened around Ciaran's shirt while the fingers on his other hand twitched, obviously itching to do some damage, but Nick apparently wasn't done.

"That's discrimination," Nick pouted.

"How?" Lila and I jumped to defend Ashton as Nick just stuck out his tongue.

"He's making fun of my gay needs!"

"Excuse me, did I call you a gay weirdo? No. So don't go throwing that homophobic prejudice bull crap at me."

"GUYS!" IH and Ciaran both shouted. We looked at them briefly before turning our attention back to each other.

"You don't have to use the word 'gay' for it to be homophobic," Nick mumbled.

"He called you a weirdo, not a fag," Lila rolled her eyes.

"Actually, he called me a fag last year."

"That was before I knew you were gay and it was because you wouldn't stop poking me!"

"So that's an excuse to use a belittling term?"

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