Chapter 16 - Loki's Ending

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you aren't just doing this for Loki?" He sighs as he says, "I am doing this for him and I am also doing this for you."

You smile brightly as you wrap your arms around him and say, "Thank you so much!" He quickly pulls away as he says, "You should go tell him how you feel, and he deserves it." You nod a smile bright on your face as you turn and quickly make your way to the dungeon. You were too happy to hear Thor say to himself, "I owe him that much," When you reach the dungeon you look over to see Loki pacing back and forth in his cell and smile. You walk over to the cell and say to the guard, "Let me in." The guard nods as he opens the door. Loki turns toward you and says, "What did he say?" You throw yourself into his arms and smile brightly as you say, "Loki come with me," he raises and eyebrow as he says, "To where?"

 "To Vanaheim, help me restore my kingdom to its former glory." You pull away from him to see a dumbfounded expression covering his face. "Loki?" You say as you search his face for some sort of emotion. He chuckles for a moment as he says, "Are you being serious?" You roll your eyes as you say, "Yes, I want you to be my king." He smiles and leaning down crashes his lips to yours, sending a wave of passion through your body. You smile as he pulls away and says, "I've wanted to do that for a very long time, and at least this time you're awake."

 You raise an eyebrow as you push away from him and say, "Wait what?" He smiles as he pulls you back into him and says; "Nothing," then he leans back down and gently places a kiss on your lips. You smile into his lips as you feel your heart start to race. You hear Odin's voice and pulling away from Loki turn to see him standing in the doorway. "I see you have made your choice." You grip tightly to Loki's hand as you say, "I have." 

"And you?" He says as he turns toward Loki.

Loki's hand tightens on yours as he says, "I will go where ever she does." Your heart jumps in your chest as you turn toward him a smile covering your face. "Then I shall allow it, under one condition," You swallow a gulp of air as you say, "What is your condition?" 

"That the two of you live a long and happy life together." You smile as you release Loki's hand and running over wrap your arms around Odin, "Thank you." 

"There are some things Loki must settle before he goes to Vanaheim, but it shall not take long." Releasing him you nod and walk back over to Loki. "Can you wait that long?" You say as you stare into his eyes. He smiles as he says, "I have waited thousands of years for you." You smile as you wrap your arms around him and say, "You're such a smooth talker." He chuckles and then wrapping his arms around you says. "Only for you." You smile as you start to think about how your new life would be. "I have prepared a room for the two of you to share until the morrow when ________ and the Vanir return to Vanaheim." 

"Thank you father," you hear Loki say and you smile into his chest.

A few minutes later the two of you were alone in the room that used to be Loki's. You laugh as you look around at all the old trinkets Loki had collected over the years. "I remember when you used to hate me being in here." You say as you turn back to see him staring at you lovingly from across the room. "There was a good reason as to why I didn't want you in here." 

"Oh really and that was?" 

He smiles as he says, "I think you know the answer to that." You smile as you walk over and wrapping your arms around his neck say, "I do?" He smiles devishly as he leans down and gently presses his lips to yours making your heart call out in longing. He reaches up and buries his hands in your hair as he gently starts to kiss down your neck to your collar bone making soft moans escape your lips.

"Loki," you say softly as he lifts you up and laying you on his bed makes love to you for the first time. When you two are spent he lies beside you gently trailing his forefinger up and down your spine making soft giggle escape your lips. "Are you ticklish?" He asks eyebrows raised. You shake your head as you say, "Absolutely not," He smiles as he says, "This is going to go by very slow without you." You smile as you say, "As long as you picture me at the end, it will go by faster than you think." Leaning down he gently places kisses on your back and you smile as you close your eyes and take a memory in of his touch. "What happens if the Vanir aren't as forgiving as you are?" Loki asks worry in his voice. You turn back to him and smile softly as you say, "They will forgive you because I did."

A few years later

"Your majesty the water spirits need your assistance." Marcus says as he leads you out into the garden. You nod as you say, "Thank you Marcus, and please take the day off. Thomas is in the courtyard with the frost spirits and I have one last task to do." He nods as he says, "Thank you, your majesty." You watch as the man who had been your fathers advisor slowly walks up the stairs of the castle to his room and smile. Vanaheim had flourished upon your return, the Vanir had gladly accepted you as their princess again, and the room leading to the Virkeligheten had been turned into a beautiful memorial to your mother and father.

You sigh as you kneel down next to the water and wait for the water spirits to come to you. Your mind starts to wander and you find yourself thinking once again about Loki. He had been on Asgard far longer than you had expected and you had started to miss him immensely. "Mom!" you hear your son call and you turn to see him walking toward you his jet black hair combed back out of his face. You wave him over to you and smile. Thomas looked just like his father down to every last detail. "I have something I want to show you." He says once he reached you.

He holds his hand out to you and taking it he tells you, "It's a surprise, close your eyes." You roll eyes as you say, "You better not lead me into a tree like last time." He chuckles as he says, "I promise you'll like this surprise." 

"Okay," you say as you let him lead you through the woods until he stops and says, "Okay, open them." you open your eyes to see frost covering a group of trees surround you making it look like it was snowing around you and smiling you say, "This is beautiful Thomas." He smiles wickedly as he says, "That's not even the best part." You tilt your head in confusion and right as you are about to say something you see Thomas motion to behind you and you turn to see a familiar smiling face walking into the frost colored surrounding.

"Hello ________," You hear Loki say and tears fill your eyes as you rush over into his arms. "I missed you!" You call out as your grip tightens on him. "See dad I told you it would be worth the wait." Thomas says and you laugh as you pull away from Loki and say, "Like father like son." He smiles as he says, "I wish I could take all the credit for him but you did an amazing job raising him _________." You smile as you say, "I wasn't expecting to have to wait this long, I almost thought my heart was going to freeze from longing." He smiles brightly as he says, "A wise woman once told me 'Love warms the frozen heart'." You smile as you say, "Now we can finally be a family and live happily ever after." Loki nods as he says, "For forever and a day."

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