Hand on Heart

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*Your P.O.V*

After months of planning and preparation, the day had finally arrived... The day I became y/n Murs. I was so excited! Prior to the wedding, I stayed in a hotel. So did Olly but on different floors. It turned 7 and I woke up to a knock at my door. Olly had ordered me 'breakfast in bed.' He left a note which read 'Dear y/n. I can't believe the day has finally arrived! The day you get to share my last name, the day I call you mine forever. We've had our ups and our downs but we've got through them all because we love each other too much. I can't wait to see the dress you've chosen, you'll look amazing! To be fair, you'd look amazing in a bin bag! Much Love... Forever and always, Olly xoxox' I admit. I did start crying a little so I text him. 'Mr Murs!! How dare you make me cry on my wedding day! TUT TUT!! Only joking babe. See you soon. Miss (your last name)- Soon to be Mrs. Murs xoxox.'  I sent the text when Ellie came in with the hairdresser and make up artist. They started straight away.

*Olly's P.O.V*

Another crazy tradition y/n had was that I wasn't allowed to see her before the ceremony so, I sent her Breakfast in bed with a note. I soon got a text basically telling me I made her cry. I didn't time to text back because Robbie was here going through his best man speech and our surprise for y/n. Once we had finished, it was 10. i got dressed and made my way to the church. The ceremony didn't start till 12 but Mel was gonna be there at 10:30 to style my hair, and I had to greet guests from 11 to 11:50. With only an hour to go, I became more and more nervous. I quickly text y/n. 'Hey darl, not long to go now. xoxo.' I put my phone in my pocket and the photographer showed up. He set up and the guests arrived. Before I knew it, it was time for me to go in.

*Your P.O.V*

The hairdresser and make up artist had finished and I looked amazing. Ellie helped me in my dress. She fastened me up and I kissed my mums picture on my shoe and put them on. Then, Vickylnn came down the corridor with Marie. I had didn't want anyone to give me away so I was going to walk down the aisle with Marie in my arms. I made my way downstairs and my dad walked through the doors. I didn't know it was him at first until, "Y/n? Is that my little girl all grown up?" I just looked confused until he told me about the locket he gave me when I was young (which I was wearing but I had replaced the picture of him with a picture of my little family). He grabbed my hand, I gave Marie to Ellie and they walked ahead. I pulled my hand away and quite angrily said. "LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT! AFTER 30 YEARS OF IGNORING ME! YOU DECIDE TO SHOW UP, ON MY WEDDING DAY UNANNOUNCED! WHAT TYPE OF DAD DOES THAT?! YOU LEFT ME AND MUM BEFORE I WAS EVEN BORN! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!! JUST GO AND NEVER COME BACK!" I walked away got in the car and drove off, leaving my dad there. I cuddled Marie and wiped my eyes. Soon enough we were there. I got out the car, and took deep breaths. Vickylynn, Peter, fay, Louie and Olly's Nana and Granddad walked in. I looked at Ellie, "You'll be fine." She said before the wedding march played and I walked in carrying Marie in my arms. She hadn't said her first work yet, but today might be the day. Ellie held my train, took Marie and bouquet of flowers and everyone sat down.

*Olly's P.O.V*

I remember taking a massive gulp as I heard the wedding March being played. I heard everyone 'wow' and gasp as y/n walked down the aisle. I finally saw her. "Wow, how'd I get so lucky?" I murmured as she grabbed my hand. She giggled and the ceremony began. We said our vows and then came the most important part... "(your full name) do you take Oliver Stanley Murs to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The vicar said "I do." She replied with a smile. " And, do you Oliver Stanley Murs, take (your full name) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"  "I do." I replied with a smile. " It is my privilege to pronounce you Mr and Mrs Murs. You may kiss the bride." We kissed and it felt amazing knowing she was my wife. We grabbed Marie and walked down the aisle. I could see y/n was upset. "Darl... What's wrong?" I ask giving her a hug. "My dad... He showed up before I left the hotel but I told him to leave me alone, I was so mad. I thought it would ruin the wedding..." She started crying some more. "hey, hey. He's not here now, and he'll never see you again... I love you... Mrs. Murs." She smiled. "I love you too Mr. Murs." She replied before kissing me. After the guests had arrived at the reception the photographer started his job, we had the buffet and we had our first dance- we danced to Robbie singing Angels... then it was time for my speech

*Your P.O.V*

I remember hearing Robbie say... " Everyone please can I have your attention... It's time for the grooms speech." I looked at Olly and he grabbed the microphone and what he said will stay in my head forever...

Olly's speech:

"So, as everyone knows. I',m not very good with my wording but I'm gonna give this my best, because that's what y/n deserves, so here it goes. I remember first seeing y/n. She was unconscious but she looked gorgeous. Then after singing to her she woke up, see, I'm a miracle worker. But seriously, then one night, i heard y/n murmur 'i love you' to me. It made me so happy. This was when I decided to sing to her again. So after she came out of hospital, we went on a date and started seeing each other, then there was a dark spot which I don't really want to discuss so let's skip that. When I knew she was the one I asked her to marry me and thankfully she said yes, we then had Marie and here we are now. Mr and Mrs Murs, and I can't imagine my life any other way- It's perfect! I have to Thank one person for this though, and that person is, Ellie. Without Ellie, me and y/n wouldn't have met so thank you. And finally, To my beautiful wife, I love you with all my heart, I can't imagine my life without you, you saved me from a nightmare and for that, I am truly grateful and I love you with all my heart, I always will." 

He sat down and everyone clapped, I was crying but Robbie said, "Next up, the Brides speech."- Great.

*Olly's P.O.V*

I don't think y/n was too happy that Robbie made her gave a speech while crying but she still did...

Your Speech:

"Oh gosh, sorry for crying. Anyway. I remember when I first saw Olly, it was in 2009 on the Xfactor. I remembered voting for him every week. Then, when I had an accident and Ellie had text him and he came to see me, I was surprised. I heard him sing and it gave me the strength to wake up and meet him. I had always liked him but as time went on I started to love him. I remember murmuring that to myself when I was shy, and I just can't believe that I'm stood here right now married to the love of my life, with a beautiful little girl! I tell you now. If 5 years ago someone asked me to describe where I'd be right now, I wouldn't have said this, it's always been a dream, to have the perfect job, the perfect guy, and a perfect family... And now, I have it. I want to thank Vickylynn and Peter and the rest of their wonderful family for taking me under their wing and treating me as there own, it means a lot. Also, a big thank you to Ellie for texting Olly back then..." 

After the other speeches, everyone danced, my mum took Marie home to bed because she was watching her while we went on holiday but before they went me, Marie and y/n took a family selfie. "Love you." we said to her and she said "Wuv ew." back, it was th cutest moment ever! After partying hard, me and y/n went back to the hotel and fell asleep in each others arms instantly, I love her. Loads.

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